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Hey guys I just want to thank you again for reading my book the purge. I loved the movie and decided to write my own version so please do go and check it out if you haven't.

The book fake account is almost done. I just have a few chapters to go. If you haven't checked that book out I advise you do.

It's freaking good!!!

Besides it's based on a true story.

Who doesn't like books based on real life events???

I know everyone loved my book my black beauty so I have decided that this book would be similar to it.

Yes this book is going to be a bwwm type of book so if you like that then stick around.

If you don't please do stick around I think I might be able to convert you😂

Now for the serious message.

Like I have said previously. Please DO NOT COPY MY STORY. It takes up a lot of time for me to write a book on here so please don't try to copy or take the idea and make into your own.

You would be going against the copyright act when copying my story which isn't worth it. You all are beautiful and creative so I am sure you can come up with awesome ideas.

I do hope you enjoy my story. My purpose is to entertain you and if you feel like you have been please vote and comment on this story and please do the same for my book purge.

PRETTY PLEASE follow me on wattpad and twitter.

My Twitter is @GeorgiaSteel14

Without further ado I welcome to you The Summer Job.


The Summer JobTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon