"Oh come on. I won't bite."

I followed him uncertainly and after we had reached a clearing, which by the way was extremely beautiful, he sat down on the grass and patted the ground next to him, inviting me to sit down.

I sat down and just stared at the place in awe. It was beautiful. The greenery around here was perfect and there was a small lake. It wasn't full but had enough water to make the place look like it had been painted by some artist. 

I was still gaping at everything when Sean caught my hand. I immediately stiffened. His touch seemed to have awakened my body. Every part of my body was alert. He moved one of his fingers in circle over my palm and it seemed to have a soothing effect on me. I immediately felt relaxed and safe. But yeah his touch did cause butterflies to erupt in my stomach and my heart to flutter like crazy.

"So...." He drawled out the word slowly in his sexy voice.


I looked at him like an idiot.

"Are you going to tell me or not?"

"Tell you? Damon! Yeah. I'll tell you."

And just like that I was pouring out my heart to him. I usually don't spill my feelings to anyone but Sean was not just anyone. Who was he? I let that question pass and continued telling him. I told him about our friendship, all the stupid things we had done and then continued on to tell him about his change in attitude. Finally I managed to stutter out the incident that took place in his house.

By now I was sobbing incoherently and Sean was holding me and wiping away my tears. He kept comforting me like I was a kid and I let him. He didn't even care when my tears literally soaked his shirt. He offered me his handkerchief, which I gladly took, and blew my nose in a very unlady-like fashion. 

Tired of crying I lay my head against his chest and wrapped my arms around him. He held me close to him and rested his head on mine. We sat in silence, finding comfort in each others arms for a while.



"You do realize that you can't avoid him forever right?"

Sean looked at me. He was afraid of how I was going to react. I smiled and he breathed in relief.

"Yeah. And that's why I need to be away from you for a while."

He looked confused. 

"Why away from me? It's not like you are going to say a yes. Or are you?"

I was enjoying this but the look on Sean's face told me it was time to clear it.

"No. Obviously not." I replied avoiding the first part of his question.

"Then why do you need to stay away from me?"

He held my face in his hands in such a way that I had to look at him.

"I-I. Well cause I can't think straight when you are around me!" I blushed deeply as I told him this and looked at his lips unable to make myself look at his eyes.

"And why is that so baby?"

And he was enjoying my discomfort!

"Don't call me baby. Now let's go. It's getting dark."

I tried to stand up but his hand held my waist. He turned me around so that I look at him. His deep blue eyes had the same intense look in them and I found myself breathing hard. He pushed my hair back from my face, his hand tickling my neck. Now our face was so close that his breath fanned my lips.

I could kiss him so easily. He was so near. But before I could do anything he moved his nose along mine sending chills down my back.

"You have no idea what you do to me!"

I thought for a minute he had read my mind but thankfully it was him. Wait. What?



With that sweet reply he kissed me and I was all too eager to kiss him back. His hands on waist tightened and my hand was already tangled in his hair. Then his hands started to travel up my torso making me sigh against his lips. This seemed to increase his eagerness even more and as he was just about to do something my phone buzzed.

"Damn" I said picking up my phone. It was my mom.

She went on for a little while and cut the call only after I promised her I'd be home in twenty minutes. 

I cut the call and looked at him guiltily.

"You gotta go, don't you?" He looked disappointed but smirked once I pouted as my answer.

"You'll see enough of me don't worry."

When I smiled he added, "Yeah I know how eager you are to see me."

The way he said 'see me' I realized we both were talking about different things. I looked at him with wide eyes and he started cracking up.

"You are so innocent." He was still laughing.

I got up and started walking towards the car. I was so embarrassed. How could he just say that? He caught up to me and started apologizing.

"I am sorry okay?" He said once we both were sitting in his car.

"Okay. Now take me home before my mom sends out the search party."

"She wouldn't really do that."

I cocked one eyebrow. "You don't know her." 

He narrowed his eyes at me and then started driving.

When we reached my house I started to get down before he caught my hand. I turned around gave him a quick peck and got out of the car. Grinning at his shocked expression I said "You wouldn't have let me go and I am sure I wouldn't have wanted to."

He sat there gawking at me for a while and then drove away.

I smiled to myself thinking of his sweet taste and amazing smell and passionate eyes.

That's when I saw the car in the driveway. 


A/N: Tell me what you guys think about this chapter! Whose car do you think it is? 

And yeah don't forget to Vote, Comment and Share! <3

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