Dragon Queen(The Fate of Berrilium Book 2)

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Hello my lovely readers. Here's a sneak peak of the upcoming book 2 in the Berrilium series. This is sort of another rewrite, so please bare with me because I honestly didn't change much. I thought I should give you guys at least chapter 1, before I post the book, and no it will not be finished when I finally do  post it, so i'm really sorry, but I will try to make my updates more frequent, since I now how much more time on my hands. So please, everyone enjoy this first chapter of Book 2, and let me know your thoughts. XOXOXOXXOX

P.S I want to thank all the people who commented. I honestly read them at least twice a day. You guys have no idea how much your words mean to me. Thank you all so much for your advice and kind words. You all make me want to continue writing, especially when I feel like I'm not good at it. Thank you so, so, so much. You guys mean the world to me. I hope I won't let any of  you down with any of my future works. Again thank you all sooooo much. XOXOXOXXOXOX

Chapter 1 – The beginning

71 Years ago

"I suppose I should be worried. My bride to be is already caught running."

I turn slowly, my smile wide as my eyes meet with his. Iraphel returns my grin, his eyes shining with love. I knew without a doubt mines shone with the same type of affection. I bite my lip, trying to contain my happiness. A squeal quivers at the back of my throat as I try to contain it. Trying to take my time, I move forward towards my handsome husband to be, even though every bone in my body wanted to leap forward.

He takes his own step forward, dramatically slow, a mischievous glint in his eye. I squint my eyes and stop my movements. I stare at him in challenge, raising both brows, with my hands clasped behind my back.

"Surely you are aware, that for a groom to see his bride before the wedding, is bad luck." I told him in a reprimanding tone. My posture giving off the air of superiority and wisdom. With speed, that can be match by none, Iraphel swoops me up into his arm. I gasp and release a joyous laugh at the jolt, only to be spun dizzy for his amusement. We both laugh, our happiness fueling each other's. Iraphel tightens his hold on me. My breasts squashed against his muscled chest, as he tilts his head towards my own.

"Bad luck you say." He stares down at me with a beautiful smile. "I say to hell with bad luck!" he yells out with his head tilted back. I giggle at his dramatics, tilting my head up and caressing his face with unsteady fingers.

With his voice dropping low and his lips inches from mines, Iraphel bumps my nose with his gently before raising his own hand to stroke my neck and then my face. "I would never be able to stay away from you for too long. How would I go on without seeing your beautiful face?" He caresses my lips, "These perfect lips?" I sighed contently and close my eyes. He touches the corner of my eye, willing them to open once more. "The prettiest eyes in all the land of Berrilium."

"I am afraid I am a dying man, without you, my love" My heart thunders in my chest, filled to the brim with love for this man.

How is it possible that I got this lucky, to find someone so perfect for me, someone so kind, caring and loving. I couldn't help myself as I close my eyes, grip his hair, and kissed him with all the passion I held inside my body. We're so young, only 29 years of age. While it may be different in other places. In the kingdom of the dragons, we are seen as babes. Yet, despite the people of my world telling me I'm too young to choose my life partner, I knew to the depts of my very soul, that Iraphel is all I could ever want. He is my heart, and my soul. His very existence is the reason I breath so surely. Through this kiss, I could tell that my love felt the same.

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