Chapter 23 - Jake

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Chapter 23 – Jake

I raise my hand to deflect flying pebbles as they circle through the air. Scattering cuts sting as dirt dig into them, along with repeated hits from sharp objects that was once scattered on the ground. I squint, stepping forward, trying to get to my mate, to Destiny. I fight to stay up right as the ground trembles below my feet. I'm panting, my wolf in a complete frenzy. I can feel the constant ripples beneath my skin as my wolf fights to break through. Destiny has blocked us. I can barely feel her, and I'm weakened from sharing my strength with her. That man, that demon, is sucking the life out of her. I cut my eyes to him, and a growl escape me. If I'm able to kill him, there's a chance that my mate will live, she'll be safe. He will not get her, he can't take her away from me, when we've just fully accepted each other as bonded mates. Now I know the feeling of being truly complete. I will not give up this feeling, this joy.

Heat overcomes me, and I feel brilliant burn as I shift. I howl, making my intentions clear. I leap forward, feeling strength rush through my bones, my eyes solely focused on the man with pitch black eyes. Kaman. His name rings clear through my mind. He is the cause of my mate's current suffering.

My legs demolish the several feet between Kaman and I, but before I can wrap my jaws around his neck, my body is flung to the side, colliding with a, shockingly, still standing tree. The tree breaks on impact, and I release a grunt. I roll to my paws quickly, shaking my head as my eye sight blur. Once focused, I hone in on my target once more. My wolf and I refusing to stop until he is no longer of this world. Kaman mouth is formed into a smug grin and his chin is tilted in a boasting fashion. I growl ferociously. Before I can make a move, my large wolf form begins to tremble as something begins to crush my body. I stare at Kamen growling, only to release a wine as one of my ribs crack. Kaman tilts his head, and his grin changes into a smirk.

My eyes widen as I realize that his head is tilted in the direction of my mate, who is standing, and no longer screaming or writhing in pain. Her eyes, like Kaman's, are a deep frightening black, and is focused solely on me. I bark in surprise as the pain increases inside my body. This is my mate's doing. I howl in sorrow, and step forward wanting nothing more than to go to her. A long whine cuts through my sorrow filled howl, and like it had never started, the crushing pressure is released form my body.

Destiny's face is blank, except for a curled lip. I pant, feeling my bones snap back into place, healing.

'Destiny,' I call to her mentally, hesitantly. In return, I gain nothing but silence. An echoing silence that makes my blood run cold. My wolf pushes at me, begging to go our mate, even as our bones continue to snap back into place. The need to feel her against us, to know that she is alive and well, almost overwhelms me. I feel nothing coming from her or her wolf. It's just empty darkness, like a hollowed crevice, where Destiny's essence and thoughts are meant to be. Destiny's eyes follow me as I take a step forward. Her eyes, hollow, black pits of nothingness.

"Destiny?" I hear Jason call, I hear the others chime in too, and I smell the sharp scent of fear and deep sated worry. I look over to see a tense group. They all had the good sense to stay back, but I could do no such thing.

I break into another run, faster this time. Instead of being flung away, my snout slams into an invisible wall. I growl, noticing Destiny's dark eyes still on me. I bark at her, and I can't help but give her a whine of despair.

'Destiny, my mate. My love.' I try again. Still, her response is nothing but throbbing silence. I whine again and claw at the invisible barrier keeping me away from my mate. I try to go around whatever was in my way, but this wall seems endlessly long and impossibly impenetrable. I slam my body against it, snapping my teeth. My body trembles in anger as I watch Kamen go to Destiny in sure, even steps. He wraps his arms possessively around my mate and whisper words that I cannot hear.

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