Chapter 3- Changes

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Chapter 3- Changes

I stir. My bed feels off, almost hard, but my body is oddly warm. I rub my face against the hard surface of my bed, feeling an overwhelming amount of pleasure from the action. I do it again before flipping over onto my back and wiggling. I rub and wiggle my body repeatedly, not seeming to get enough of the comfort of my bed. I could feel the rays of the sun on my face. Damn, I really need to invest in buying a curtain for that stupid window. I open my eyes, only to shut them quickly at the sight of the bright sun, and the just as bright blue sky. Confused, I open my eyes again, slowly this time. How is the sky in my bedroom? I blink away the sleep from my eyes, and focus on the white fluff of a passing cloud. I'm outside. The fog in my brain begin to dissolve. Memories storming my mind.

I am defiantly not in my bedroom all those miles away. I'm in New Arkwood, surrounded by trees. I take in my surroundings. Everything bright in colors and shape. My senses focusing on the smallest particles in the air, along with all the new scents. I have never been able to see or smell this well before. What the hell happened to me last night. The memory of the pain last night makes my body achingly twitch. A small movement of something catches my attention. I move my gaze and startle at the sight of fluffy white paw. Wanting to touch it, to feel its fluff, I lift my right hand. Another fluffy white paw comes into view, crossing over the other white paw. Feeling as if I'm completely insane, I jerk back, the paws following my movements. What is going on? I begin panicking. Loud pants echoes in my ears, then I feel something long and wet flop out of my mouth. My tongue!

Aiming to get up, my body rolls, putting me onto my stomach. Startling at the sight of the paws again. I jump away. My mind swirling. Emotions attack me in streams. Fear, confusion, sadness, rage, happiness, hatred. Most I could not sort out, and some I wasn't sure I'm actually feeling. I watch the white fluffy paws, realizing that I had no idea what they were attached to. I follow the way up the paw, turning my heavier than normal head and try to identify who these paws belong to. It took only second for my stupid to disappear.

Me, these paws are my own. I look down at the rest of the white body in horror, and scream. The sound that escapes my lips is nothing but a strangled howl. Oh my goddess. Oh my goddess. I try to stand, my legs long and strong but unfamiliar. I wobble. Looking at the body that is now mine, I spin as something hits my back. Turning my head slightly, I catch the sight of a fluffed, white tail swishes back and forth. I spin in a circle trying to get a clearer look, only to go tumbling to the ground.

'Enough. Calm now.' The whisper, from last night.

"Who are you?" I try talking. Only growls and weird howls escape my lips. Of course you can't talk Destiny. You are obviously an animal.

'Wolf.' The voice speaks again, but this time, not a whisper, but in a firm female tone.

A wolf. Yes. I'm a wolf. The thought strikes me like a lightning bolt. I shifted. I am in wolf form because I shifted. I'm a wolf and I shifted! I shifted into a wolf! And if I'm a wolf, the voice in my head must be...


Happiness, elation, and cheerfulness, overcome me. I yelp out loud. I shifted. I shifted. Still on wobbly legs I stand. I'm tall, probably taller than I ever thought a female wolf could get. I yip again, jumping, in excitement.

'You're my bonded wolf. I have you. You're here.' If I could cry in this form, I'm sure I would be bawling my eyes out. Love envelop my heart. Not only my own but hers, my wolf. Something inside me thrums, another cord. This one filled with acceptance, and love.

'I am yours, and you are mine. We are one. Forever.' She spoke, and with a push, she came forward, our minds melding together.

Without out another thought, we take off. The trees, blur by. I take in different scents, from distances I could not see, and hear sounds that were not close to me. My sight sharp and bright. I can see the smallest of things. We run onwards, without care, then focus, on the scent of food. Haven't never done this before, I let my wolf take more control. We conceal ourselves in some tall grass, our movements patient and agile. Graceful. A large hare stood munching on some grass, its back facing us. Without another thought, I take the lead, my hunger and violence taking hold of me. My jaws catch its neck, my teeth snapping it in one go. The flow of its blood leaking down my throat, making me internally moan. I tear at my catch, feeling serene and almost completely whole.

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