Chapter 5 - New Home

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Chapter 5 - New Home

I wasn't a stranger to waking up early. It's something that's been a part of my life for a long while. That's why it was so shocking that when Adrianna came into my room, shaking me awake, I just about almost ripped out her throat. I think it had something to do with my irate bonded wolf, and the fact that my bed is made of clouds.

"I am so sorry!" I cry, for the hundredth time. My eyes shimmering pools of brown.

Adrianna rolls her eyes and comes to a stop. We were both heading to the kitchen. After the whole almost ripping her throat out ordeal, Adrianna gave me some workout clothes, which she assumed I didn't have. Her assumption was right of course, since I didn't pack anything resembling workout clothes. She gave me black work out leggings, a fitted sports bra, and a lose muscle tank top. I felt a bit uncomfortable with the choice, but seeing as I almost killed her, I didn't think it was very polite to complain.

"Dee, seriously, its fine. I've had worst. My sister is the furthest thing from a morning person. She may seem all calm and serious, but my eyes are possibly still healing from when she almost clawed them out of my head. Your little chokehold was like a kiss compared to that. It's cool. Now come on, or else we'll miss breakfast. These bastards are greedy, and will leave you nothing but crumbs if you don't get there fast enough." Without so much of another glance in my direction, Adrianna turns away and continues her speed walk towards the kitchen.

I'm a bit startled by the nickname. A warm feeling incases my heart, yet at the same time something dark is also ripping it apart. A memory long forgotten spikes my mind. The memory of a dark-haired boy smiling at me, using the exact same nickname, asking me to take his hand. Begging me to trust him. My emotions, with it once again at odds, it takes me a minute to get it together, pushing the memory back to the furthest corner of my mind. I stumble trying to catch up with Adrianna, since I slowed so much in my steps.

Still feeling horrible, I keep my gaze cast down. It's a good thing too, since I feel the stares of pack members burning holes through my body. The mood from yesterday is still there, the caution, and suspicion, and a heavy amount of curiosity, but there's also something else. I wasn't sure how I could sense it but it feels like some form of respect or submission. I can also sense intense joy. I roll my shoulders, hating every bit of the attention I'm getting. I went from being invisible, to being the center of attention.

"You'll get used to it." I turn to look at Adrianna quizzically.

"The stares. Everyone's just excited to have someone new around here. Not many walk through our borders and live. And let's not forget the fact that you're the you know what of the you know whose." She says the last part with a goofy smile.

I smile in return. Though inside my stomach tumbled about. Did the entire pack know who I apparently am. Goddess. I am already having a difficult time with the pressure of the title, now I have to deal with the pressure people will be heaping onto me.

Turning the corning, we walk down a decent number of stairs, and soon enough, we find ourselves at the entrance of the kitchen. The kitchen is bustling with activity. Food and plates everywhere, being passed around from person to person, while several individuals are at the stoves. I take in the scene with surprise. The amount of people that are already awake, seeming to already be walking in and out of the doors, is incredibly large. No one wore sleeping wear, each pack member is dressed and ready for the day.

"Does the entire pack live here." I knew for a fact that this house bigger than it seems. It probably has many hidden corners. Though it looks about the same size as my old pack house, I also couldn't be entirely sure. Different packs had different rules and idea. One was really never the same.

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