Ro-Ro Row's the Boat

Start from the beginning

"Denial? For what?" 

"That you two aren't actually dating. You know how she gets, shipping people together all the time." 

Before I could come up with a response, the doorbell rang. Bianca comes running out of the other room, in a yell whisper saying, "Don't you dare get the door. Make him wait for you."

I roll my eyes and lean in and mutter to Linh, "We really need to get her a twelve step program for her rom-coms."

She giggles and the door opens up to see Keefe standing there. He had his hair in his messy but perfect way, a blue button-down shirt that brings out his eyes, and some slacks. And of course his muddy pair of favorite shoes on his feet. In his hands, he had a small, smushed flower. We stare at each other, taking in our new, put together appearances. 

"Wow Foster. You look great," he says.

I smile, "You look not so bad yourself." 

A goofy looking grin appears on his face. For a moment I forgot that we weren't alone until I heard a loud CLICK. 

I look over to see Bianca, with her phone in her hands, grinning like a maniac. "Come here my pretties!" She squeals, "Moma's got a lot of pictures we need to take." 

"Oh my god. You are worse than Grady when I went to the prom with Dex," I complain.

Linh pushes us out the door during the small moment Bianca looked for a comeback, "Hurry up before she makes you guys late. I'll hold her off." 

"Thanks so much," I squeeze her hand and turn to Keefe as the door closes on my back. 

He offers me his arm and puts on his best and brightest quirky smile. I laugh at him as we stumble down the hall. (Due to my clumsiness, of course.) 

When we got to his car, something that was bothering me popped into my brain. "You said earlier that you had a sort-of older sister. What does that mean?" 

He gives an embarrassed smile. I try to take back my question, realizing that it was a touchy subject, but he refused. "No, no. It's fine. I just never had to explain about her before." 

He sits back, deep in thought, finally coming up with, "When I was younger, I ran away from home. I even joined a gang for a little while. I was definitely not in my right mind if you couldn't tell. Anyways, I got into a little bit of trouble with the older gang members and bailed, so I was back out in the streets again. After a few days, Ro found me. She took me in as sort of a foster mom thing, but I always saw her as a bigger sister. She ended up becoming like one. She's annoying as hell, but she's also badass and awesome, and sometimes scary- don't tell her I said that though. " 

I mime sealing my lips shut, "You're secrets safe with me. For the time being."

He rolls his eyes and gives a hearty laugh. A type of laugh that he usually doesn't give. A rare laugh. I smile at the concept that I was the one to make him laugh like that. "You know," he says, "you sometimes remind me of her in a way." 

"Great, I'm annoying as hell. That's exactly what every girl wants to hear," I say sarcastically.

"No! Ok, sometimes you can be a bit annoying, but I don't think of you as a sister. I was thinking more along the lines of being awesome and a badass." 

I give a sharp laugh. He must be delusional in some way. 

"Really, I mean it. Otherwise, I would have to give up my position as president of the Foster Fan Club. And I saw the way you beat up that perverted asshole the other day. Honestly, the look on his face when you sucker-punched him, ha, I would pay millions to see it again." 

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