{31} we need you pt.1 (?)

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a lot had happened in the past few months

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a lot had happened in the past few months.

tony died, natasha died, steve got old, hulk was calm, thor was fat; the avengers team had changed forever.

you avoided everyone at the funeral. you never looked left or right, just straight ahead. sometimes you only looked down. you didn't speak to anyone, hug anyone.

"i love you 3000." hologram Tony had told you and your family.

you treated him terribly ever since he came back with Nebula. he just...changed. he was meaner and more arrogant than he had ever been. to you, at least.

he was just..so blind. you thought he was so blind.

he forced you to move with he and Pepper when they decided to live in a log cabin. although he was by law your legal guardian, you didn't want to go. you almost didn't go. but eventually, you did. that was the moment you really wished your parents were alive. and that you didn't let him sign the adoption papers.

when they found out news of morgan, Tony was happy. for once, in a long time, he was happy. and you couldn't be happy for him. you were still so angry at him. sometimes you weren't even sure why. you were just angry.

when scott came with the chance to get everyone back, however, you changed. you thought of peter. you could get him back. you could get them all back.

but Tony's defiance only made you even more angry.

but, of course, he came to as he always did. no matter how much tony stark tried, he knew he could never say no to his team. and besides, he missed the rest of them.

many events unfolded after that. too many to even remember. but what you do remember, are you last moments with him.

he looked so tired. so, so tired. pepper was strong, waiting for him to go before she started crying. you, however, weren't as strong.

you ran up to him, inspecting him, seeing if you could fix anything. you of course couldn't, but you wanted to try. but there was nothing to try to fix. the damage was too far done.

"tony," you whispered. he tried to speak, but nothing came out. nothing but shallow breath. "I am...so sorry." you could tell he excepted your apology. you just wished he could say it. "i...i love you. i love you, Dad." that was the first time you'd ever called him that.

he really was that way to you. he felt that way towards you, although when you'd argue you'd often scream that he wasn't your father and never would be. but now, he knew that he always was.

you blinked, noticing that the ink from your pen began to bleed through on your desk. the knock on your door startled you, but you quickly gained your composure.

"yeah?" you called. "come downstairs, there's someone who wants to see you." pepper said.

someone who wants to see you? no one had wanted to see you since the funeral.

nevertheless, you came down anyway. at the end of the stairs, Morgan greeted you with her Spider-Man plush. "Look, it's Spider-Man!" you giggled at her charisma. "yes, I can see that!"

"no, really! it's Spider-Man!" she pointed into the dining room.

you turned to look, and saw none other, than peter parker.


you knew peter was alive, but you avoided seeing him. you couldn't bare to see him. it would hurt you too much.

but there he was, staring back at you, almost as shocked as you were. "uh...h-hey y/n." he blinked. you didn't say anything. walking fully into the room, making eye contact with Pepper who was cooking in the kitchen.

"what is this?" you asked, furrowing your eyebrows. "it's an intervention." clint answered. his arms were folded, dark circles underneath his eyes. he didn't look much different from when you last saw him, just not as goth.

"an intervention?" you scoffed. you crossed your arms and leaned on the wall. "what do you mean 'intervention'?"

"we need you back on this team, y/n." sam finally cut in. you knew he was the new leader of the pack now, but for that moment you forgot. it suited him though, so you went along with it.

"you guys don't need me. you've done perfectly fine without me these last couple of months." sam sighed. "maybe so. but we're short numbered. you're one of our strongest assets, and we need you."

"why not get Thor?" you grimaced once you remembered what he looked like now.

"i'm gonna pretend you didn't say that."

"y/n, we really need you. we wouldn't come all the way here if we didn't." hulk said, giving a comforting smile. he was right. the avengers were not the type to go out of their way for a lot of things. they had to really need it. they had to be desperate.

"i don't know guys." you shrugged. "i'm not as experienced, and you know i would only get in the way, just like all those other times."

sam sighed, and bucky rubbed his temples. "well, whether that were true or not, you have no choice now. i'm the captain of this team, and you're coming, whether you like it or not."

you didn't feel like debating anymore. you did miss them, but you feared you would only get in the way. you looked at morgan, who was now clinging onto your leg.

"should i do it, morg?" morgan aggressively nodded her head.

"tony would want you to." bucky finally spoke up, his eyes sad but sincere. he was right. tony would want you to.

and maybe that's the only reason you said yes.


hi, this is so bad, i know, i just randomly got the urge to write. i have no idea where this is going but we'll see!! anyways, hope you enjoyed!!

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