(3) I Know

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Peter frowned

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Peter frowned. "What?"




Peter had asked you to meet him outside after school. You didn't really know what he wanted but it sounded important.

You turned a corner and saw him standing with his arms crossed, tapping his foot, looking down.

"Pete!" You shouted. Once he looked up at you, you waved and jogged towards him.

"You had something to tell me?" You saw him gulp.

"Uh, yeah. And it's really important, but you have to promise not to tell anyone and to not get mad."

You chuckled. "I promise Peter." He held up his pinky, causing you to scoff. "What are you 5?"

He shrugged but still held his pinky up. You sighed and wrapped your pinky around his.

"Now, what did you wanna tell me?"


Peter rubbed his neck. "You know how when you saw Spider-Man climb up the Washington Monument and save everyone from the falling elevator?"

You nodded. "How could I forget?"

Peter sighed. "Well, uh, tha-that was um...I'm-I'm Spider-Man Y/N."

Before you could answer, he continued talking. "Please don't be mad I just-I just didn't know how to tell you or if you would believe me or-"

"I know."

Peter frowned. "What?"

"I already knew you were Spider-Man Peter."

"What? H-how did you know?"

You chuckled and shook your head. "Well for one I saw your fancy watch laying around, and also Ned clarified it for me."

He groaned. "I don't know why you're surprised, you should know by now he can never keep a secret."

He smiled a little. "Well I'm glad you don't hate me."

"I have no reason to. But..."

Peter rolled his eyes. "Why did I know there was a but in there somewhere. What do you want?"

"I get to wear AND use your suit for a day."

"What-no no Y/N-"

"Pleeeeeeeease? You're friends with Tony I'm sure he won't mind. Plus he comes out with a new suit every year."

"No Y/N."


"No! I'm not letting you do that."

You sighed. "Fine. I guess I'll have to get it before you can."

"Wha-" Before Peter could finish, you had already taken off to his house.

Just a quick imagine. :)

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