{28} dust.

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this is where you die. if you haven't seen iw, i still wouldn't recommend reading it bc it has a small spoiler, but do as you please. let's begin.


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Fire burned and cracked around you, the sky a mix of orange and red. Heat waves and explosions circled you, screams and grunts were becoming louder every minute. An evil laugh roared through the air and rumbled the ground, sending every woman, child, and man into a panic.

You began to feel your feet tingle, then become weak feeling. A sudden wave of light headed-ness took over you, and the world began to wobble and spin. You fell to the ground from your knees not being able to take your weight any longer, and breathing became a sudden struggle.

You felt your lungs tighten, your arms sting, your stomach twist, your eyes burn. Peter ran up to you, asking you something that you couldn't make out. You felt like you were going to vomit from the pain in your back. It was in a constant throbbing motion, feeling as if a thousand swords were stabbing you.

You heard your heart beat in your ears began to get slower. You felt it trying to continue, trying to hold on as you thought "No! Not yet please!" You fell to the ground completely, not being able to hold even your head weight. Peter was holding your hand, screaming for you to hold on and that everything would be okay. You wanted to believe him, but you couldn't feel it.

You couldn't feel his touch.

Your vision began to blur in an out, an indescribable pain pounding at the back of them. It was now Tony and Wanda huddled around you too, asking if you could hear them. You kept screaming "I can hear you! Please I don't wanna go! Please don't let me go!" but it was only in your head.

You saw ashes float into the air, then you felt lighter. Your ankles were gone, then your knees, then your thighs, then your waist. It crept up on you so quickly.

You looked at Peter in the eyes, hoping he could see that through them, you said everything you wanted to say.

And then, you turned to dust.


hey! so this was requested by some of you so here it is! i apologize for it being short, but i tried to make it as detailed and interesting as possible! thank you to Stiles_Roscoe (there was someone else but I couldn't find their username) for giving me the idea!

hope everyone enjoyed 💌

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