{16} You. (Series??)

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CODES: E/C = eye color
H/C = hair color
H/T = hair type
N/N = nickname

CODES: E/C = eye color H/C = hair color H/T = hair type N/N = nickname  ***

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Ugh. Love. The worst thing in the world when it came to someone that wasn't related to you. Sure, loving people is nice, but when you love love them, that's a whole other ball game.

Your hands sweat, your heart races, you stutter, you laugh awkwardly, you forget how to speak, you even forget how to breathe in extreme cases.

They make it seem so much better in the movies.

You hated having crushes with a passion. You weren't one to want to fall in love with anyone, not this young at least, cause when you're young and in love, you lose control of your life.

You'd only had one before. You were head over heels for him. If he told you to jump in a ocean full of sharks, you would do it just so he could be happy. And he knew that. He played around with your emotions, making it seem like he liked you too, then he would act like he didn't. You hated it but at the same time you didn't care. As long as he was happy.

Eventually you gave up on him after you had finally snapped out of it, and moved on. You had promised yourself never to like anyone like that ever again because you deserved to be happy and worry free. You had stuck to what you said for a while.

Until Peter came along of course.

Peter Parker. Gosh. Everything about him was just...perfect. He had a bright and caring personality, he was funny without intention, and he was pretty cute. He was everything a good guy could be, but of course, he liked someone else.

Liz Allen. You couldn't blame him for liking her. She was absolutely beautiful. If she wasn't in school, she would definitely be working for Vogue. She was also smart and extremely kind. She was everything anyone could ever want to be.

That's what hurt the most. You weren't like her. At least not to you. You were shy and hard to get to know. If you needed help you wouldn't ask, you would figure it out on your own. You were funny but everyone can make a joke. You had H/C, E/C, and H/T. Nothing really that new. Everything about you was just...bland.

You sighed and gripped your backpack straps tight. "What?" Peter and Ned asked in unison. You only shook your head. "Come on, N/N, what's wrong?"

I like you that's what's wrong.

You shook your head again. You felt Ned rub tiny circles on your back for comfort, and it helped a little. It was nice to remember you had people that cared about you.

Peter all of a sudden stopped in his tracks. "Pete?" Ned questioned, but he got no answer. For a while you both looked around the crowded hallway for what he was staring at, until you finally spotted her. Liz.

She made eye contact with him too, for a moment. Her dark, short hair swung around when she turned to walk away. Man, this would be perfect for a slow motion scene.

"Peter, she's gone." You slapped his arm, hard, causing him to finally snap out of his gaze. "Ow!" He rubbed the spot where you had slapped him, causing a small smirk to appear on your lips.

That's what you get Parker.


Lunch. The best period in the entire school day. Although the food wasn't five star worthy, it was pretty good. You, Ned, and Peter sat at the table with your teammates. They all reviewed topics for finals and talked amongst themselves while you gobbled down your pizza.

"Who was the first president of the United States?"

Manuel slammed his hand down on the table pretending to be the other team. "George Washington!"

Liz sighed. "Y/N, that question was for you." You shrugged. "You didn't say 'Y/N, this question is for you', you just asked the question. How was I supposed to know you were talking to me?" You had a strong attitude in your voice.

"Have you even been studying?" She asked, returning the attitude.

You slammed your pizza down. "Yes, I have. And even if I didn't, a third grader could answer that question."

"Y/N, chill." Peter said touching your shoulder.

"Listen Peter Parking lot, no one was talking to you." Peter took his hand off of your shoulder in shock.

"I'm going to the library to study." You said, taking one more bite of your pizza, then leaving the table.

Everyone blinked a couple times in shock. No one had ever seen you mad, especially when they had no idea why.

Manuel frowned in confusion. "Did...she just call you Peter Parking lot?"

I think I'm gonna make this a series. I hope you guys enjoyed!!

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