Where They Are Now

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Well you've earned it! We successfully reached 1k reads! I want to thank everyone who read this book and made that possible. Now for what I promised you. A chapter about where they are now. Enjoy!

"Hey Zack, do you know where Rachel's bottle is? I can't find it and she's crying." Emma said.
Zack and Emma went to the police and got special premission to own a house after promising not to kill anyone unless it was in self defence. Once Emma turned eighteen, Zack and Emma got married and three years later had a baby they named Rachel after the person who saved Zack's life.
"I think I kicked it under the couch by accident. I'll get it." Zack said reaching down to retrieve the bottle.
"Here I'll hold her and you go take a shower. You look exhausted." Zack said taking his baby into his arms.
"Thanks." Emma left for the shower after making sure Zack was holding Rachel properly.
"Hey Ray, how are you doing today?" Zack sat down in a rocking chair and rocked back and forth while feeding baby Ray her bottle.
"You keep gettin bigger every time I look away don't you?" He twirled his bandaged finger in her short downy black hair. Black like Zack's.
She opened her eyes and peeked at her father. She had a blue eye and a grey eye just like her mother.
"You have pretty eyes Ray, yes you do." He cooed at her.
A few minutes later Emma came back.
"Awe, looks like she's got a pretty good hold on your face Zack." She said laughing.
Rachel was laughing as she squished her father's face in weird ways.
"She's weird like both of us." Zack said.
"I don't think you're supposed to call your daughter weird." Emma said.
"It's more of a compliment than an insult." Zack said.
"I guess that's fine." Emma said. "She should go to bed."
"Okay, sorry I'd let you stay up, it's your mother who's being the party pooper." Zack said to Rachel.
"She needs sleep." Emma said.
"I know I know, I was joking." He said standing up and giving Emma a kiss.
"You always do that even in the little arguments." Emma said.
"It's because I love you. I'm supposed to be with you forever right?" Zack asked.
"Yes, forever." Emma said.

Now to Leah and Eddie who also got married. Two years past before they had kids, they had twins, one boy and one girl. They were both blonde like their mother and the boy had brown eyes and the girl had green eyes.
"Alice! No! Don't chew on that! Ugh Benji did you poop again? Eddie! A little help?" Leah yelled.
"Coming!" Eddie said running down the stairs.
"Can you change his diaper? And get Alice her pacifier so she doesn't chew on stuff?" Leah asked.
"Sure I'll be right back." Eddie said while picking up his son and bringing him upstairs.
Leah picked up Alice and cradled her in her arms.
"Who knew babies could be so much trouble, I thought they would start getting in trouble when they turned like three. Not one!" Leah said to herself. "It's all worth it though." She said kissing her baby girl on the head.
Eddie came back downstairs with Benji in a fresh diaper.
"Who knew, *pant* that parenting could be so hard?" Eddie said.
"I know right? But it is kinda fun too though." Leah pointed out.
Eddie handed Leah the pacifier, and Leah put it in her daughter's mouth.
"I can't even remember what it was like to get a full night's rest." Eddie said.
"Tell me about it." Leah said. "I'm still happy though, this is everything I could ever want."
"As long as your heart is beating I'm happy."

(Hope you liked it lol cuz you earned it. Thank you for helping me get to 1k reads, this story has the most reads of all of my stories on wattpad for obvious reasons. I hope it gets even more!)

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