Mood Swings

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*Zack's pov*

"And what's your third question?" I asked impatiently.
"I'm thinking." She said carefully. "Why are you hiding?"
Damn. No not yet, not until I know she isn't gonna scream her face off to the police.
"Not answering that one." I said plainly.
"Okay. Uh, I think I'll save my last question for later if that's alright?" Those eyes give me the chills, since it isn't dark anymore I can see her eyes are different colors. One blue one grey.
"Whatever I don't care."
We sat in awkward silence for a few minutes until I thought of something to say.
"So, uh, do you know of any place that would be good for us to hide in?" It's been awhile since I've been outside of the building so this place was somewhat new to me.
"Wait did you just say us?" Damn, did I?
"Uh, well, ya know you have to show me where the place is and I guess you would stay awhile too...." This was getting really awkward.
"Oh yeah I guess so. I know a place we can hide. Should we go now, or wait til it's dark?"
"How close is it?" If it was close we could run the whole way there, hopefully too fast for me to be recognized.
"It's a few blocks down but we can go behind the buildings where probably no one will see us. But, it is kinda a tight fit though." She explained.
"Okay, so can we go that way or not?" I tried to steady my voice so I didn't sound too irritated, but I wasn't doing a very good job cause she flinched.
"Uh, we could try.... But....."
"But, what!? Just spit it out you don't need to be so dramatic!" Oops, I lost it again. Damn, why can't I control my stupid temper? She started to cry. Again.
"Just look....." Her voice was wobbly as she pulled her pant leg up, revealing a long deep gash from her knee down to her ankle.
"Fuck! What happened to ya!?" I yelled, angry at whoever did this to her. She was just an innocent girl, whoever did this to her has some serious mental problems.
"It was the person who killed my parents, I-I hardly got away from him, he just kept swinging his knife at me. And when I was almost at the door he cut my leg!" She started to sob so hard I couldn't help myself.
I leaned over and held her in my arms stroking her hair as she cried. I pulled her onto my lap and continued to stroke her.
The feelings rushing through me were confusing, I felt anger, sadness, pity, it all just didn't make any sense to me.
Her sobs died down and she looked up at me, her eyes still bloodshot but a little worse now.
"Thank you." She whispered.
I couldn't bring myself to answer, cause it wasn't me. It was something else, I don't know why I felt bad for this girl considering how many people I've killed, and haven't felt bad about a single one of them. And yet she is alive, and I feel horrible about something I didn't even do!
This is just too damn confusing I need to think about something else, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I'm so damn messed up.

(How are you guys liking the story so far? Let me know if you have any advice for the story!)

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