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                         *Zack's pov*

I never thought killing Ray would hurt me as much as it did. Seeing her laying on the ground motionless, blood pooling beneath her body. These feelings make me feel weak. I've never cared about anyone but myself, and I was beginning to think I actually cared about her. But now she's gone. There's nothing left to care for now.
The sirens grew louder, I knew I had to act fast or it would be death for me. I looked at Ray one last time and ran off at a sprint. I ran around a corner after running for 15 minutes straight and hid in the shadows. As I was backing into the shadows someone screamed right before I bumped into something I'm guessing was the person who screamed.
"Wh-who are you?" By her voice I could tell it was a girl. But I can't trust anyone, it's one of my rules for myself. I raised my scythe.
"No! Please please! Don't hurt me!" She screamed. "That's what I want to hear." I let out a crazed laugh when I remembered I was actually running for my life. I lowered my scythe.
"Okay listen. I won't hurt you if you stop screaming like a person in fucking agony!" I yelled.
"Okay I'll stop I'm sorry." She lifted her head up and moved her hair behind her ear revealing her eyes.
"Oh shit, your eyes they-they're uh."
"Nothing it's nothing."
Her eyes were bright red probably from crying. I've seen bloodshot eyes but none have ever looked this bad.
"Who are you?"
"Name's Zack, how about you?"
I'm not really trying to be nice I'm just trying to shut her up until she is quite enough for me to kill her in silent.
"I'm Emma." She sank to the ground and pulled her legs up to her chest, and started to cry silently.
Then my fucking feelings came in and I actually felt bad for her. I sat down next to her but not close enough to touch.
"Uh why are you crying?"
"My parents were killed yesterday." Now she was sobbing. Great.
Maybe I should just put her out of her misery and end it all. She probably wouldn't want that though.
Wait, why do I care about what she wants? Ugh, no! I can't let myself care about anyone but me. I've already made that mistake with Ray and look where that's gotten me.
Everything got quite and I realized she fell asleep. She looked so peaceful curled up in a ball on the ground. I got tired just watching her sleep, and soon I fell into a comfortable darkness.

Zack's After StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora