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*Zack's pov*

Shit I knew they would find me! Well, us now but they're probably mostly after the serial killer.
"Zack!" Emma's eyes were wide with fear. "What are we gonna do!?" She was freaking out really bad so I went over and held her in my arms.
"Here is what I want you to do. Run. Just run. Run like your life depends on it, because it does. Do you hear me? Don't look back." I was trying to stay as calm as I could, but it wasn't working so well.
"But, but what about you? I can't leave you to get taken away!" She yelled trying to find a way out of my demands.
"Don't yell at me! Just fucking trust me and run!" I screeched.
She took a step back her eyes full of surprise and fear that I yelled at her like that.
"Emma look I'm sorry, I just want you safe. I promise I'll find you. Just. Go." I said while pushing them out the back door.
I watched them run off without me, Emma of course, looked back like I told her not to do. I could see wet lines on her face from crying. Now I feel bad, but this is for the best. I'll find her again. I made a silent promise to myself as I watched them run away to safety.
A few seconds later I was tackled to the ground by the police. I felt a needle sink into my leg, and the room began to spin until it was black and silent.

*Emma's pov*

I ran even though my heart told me to go back and help Zack. He told me to run and get away without him. But he also told me he would find me again. That gave me something to hold on to in the meantime. Something that I can hope for, something I can grip so I don't fall into a dark abyss and never climb back out.
Leah was limping badly and Eddie was saying words of encouragement to help her keep going. I just realized that my leg felt like it was on fire. Only I knew it wasn't, but it hurt so bad I felt tears run down my face like a river. We've been running for ten minutes now and we were all on the verge of collapsing.
"I think we should stop now." I said breathlessly.
"Yeah, good idea." Leah said. She pretty much dove toward the ground. Eddie tried to catch her while at the same time trying not to fall over himself.
I got myself on the ground without falling, and laid down and began to sob.
What now? Will Zack be able to find us? Will he even be able to get away from the police? So many questions flew into my head all at once, I didn't even feel my head being moved into someone's lap. But I did feel someone stroking my hair. I wished so badly that it was Zack, but I knew deep down that it wasn't.

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