"Yeah, I'm at the house, why?" 

"Awesome! I need you to have your sister out to my place in ten minutes. I don't care what you have to do to get her here just do it." And with that she hangs up. She has no idea what kind of surprise that Gary has up his sleeve, but she's not going to be the one to mess that up. 

Alissa starts to whine from her spot on the floor among a mess of toys. With a smile Jaelyn scoops her up in her arms and kisses her cheek. Then it is off to the stove to stir the noodles she is cooking. She turns them off just as the front door is opened and heavy footsteps can be heard. 

"Are my sweet girls in here?" Tyson's voice calls just before he comes into sight. He wraps them in one big hug and kisses each of them on the top of the head. Alissa gives him a grin with her one tooth showing and then shrieks. Taking her in his arms he then kisses his wife soundly on the lips. "You cooking for an army?" 

She raises her eyebrows at him a moment before sighing. "Well, Gary is coming in and asked if I could have Brooke here when he got here, but it is a surprise so don't say anything. I texted you, but I guess you didn't get it." 

He presses his lips together and pulls her to him. "No, Sweet, I didn't. I'm sorry." 

Kissing him she mumbles against his lips, "It's just the life." 

It is then with the family of three wrapped up in each others arms that Jeremiah and Brooke stroll into the kitchen. Jaelyn blushes as she looks up at her friend, but doesn't bother making a move to get up from her husband's arms. 

"May I ask what was so important that I just had to be here for?" Brooke asks with her hands resting on her hips. 

"No you may not," Jaelyn sasses back. She flashes a cheesy grin making Brooke sigh and Tyson chuckle. 

The men slip into their own little conversation very easily with Alissa still sitting on her daddy's lap adding her two cents every once in a while. In her baby chatter of course! 

On the other hand the ladies chat about this and that with Jaelyn trying desperately to keep the conversation from slipping to Gary. Not to mention trying to keep her time checking and window peeping to a minimum. Brooke and Gary are too cute together to not let him surprise her. 

Much to her relief it isn't too long and dust can be seen out the window. Jaelyn catches Tyson's eye and if she didn't know better they were grinning at her. 

"Is someone here?" Brooke asks as the sound of a vehicle door is heard being banged shut. 

Jaelyn stares into the pot and shrugs. "I don't think so." 

Brooke looks at her with narrowed eyes. "Well would you like me to check in case they intend to rob you?" 

It is all Jaelyn can do not to burst out laughing. "If you feel so inclined." Knowing that she can't meet the intense glare she is receiving she continues to stare into the pot of noodles. As soon as the door is pulled behind Brooke she scurries to watch out the window. 

Brooke spots the all familiar pickup easily. Trying to keep her excitement to a minimum she stands with her hands on her hips and a cheesy grin on her face. When Gary comes around from the off side of the cab with a basket brimming with the bright oranges and yellows of prickly pear flowers she can't keep her stance.  Eyes wide she just stares at him as he strolls to her. 

Wrapping her up in his arms Gary places a lingering kiss on her forehead. 

Finally she says, "You didn't tell me you were coming." 

"It's called a surprise." Placing the basket in her hands he adds, "I also brought you these." 

She takes the basket in her hands and looks up into his eyes. Then she grabs first one hand and then the other looking them over thoroughly. "Your fingers look like pincushions!" 

Pulling his hand from hers he takes her face in it. "That's not for you to worry about." He takes his eyes from hers and fishes around in his pocket for a moment. Then he captures her gaze again and takes a deep shaky breath. "Brooke, you are funny, hardworking, kind, and have somehow managed to stay with me for nearly a year. I don't have it all figured out, but I'm confident God will guide us through every bump and bruise that comes our way." He gets on one knee and opens the little blue box in his hand. "Brooke Kendall, I love you, and I think you love me too, so will you have me as your husband?" 

With tears streaming down her cheeks and her lips spread as wide as her skin will allow she nods her head vigorously. "Yes, yes, yes!" 

By now all those left inside are on the porch and raise a loud cheer as Gary picks Brooke up into his arms and spins her around. They all surround the couple and start talking at once. The noodles left on the stove have long run out of water and are long forgotten. 

From the bed of Gary's pickup pops a long time friend who just happened to have a camera. 

Gentle Cowboy Take My Heart (Maxwell Love #2) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now