Chapter 30

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I was currently in a frantic. Jimin was bound to be here any minute and I wanted everything to look perfect. I glanced at the kitchen table with five different colored hair dyes placed in a neat row. I frantically look around and make sure everything was in order when I hear a quiet knock on my door. I felt like my heart was going to leap out of my mouth as I wheeled over to let him in. I took a deep breath and opened the door. There in front of me was the love of my life dressed in jeans and a black v-neck. All I could do was stare, he looked as beautiful as always.

"Hi" I finally say feeling flustered after all my staring.

Jimin blushes and smiles down at me.

"After all this time all I get is a 'hi'?" he said quoting me from our first date. I couldn't help it I gave him my gummy smile and giggled...what is wrong with me?

"So are you going to invite me in?"

"Oh! Sorry! Of course, come in" I said rapidly moving aside to give him space to come in.

He looked awkward like he wasn't sure of what to do. That is until I see him lean down and wrap his arms around me in a hug. I don't hesitate to reciprocate and I just sigh. This feels like home I thought. And that's when I realized how skinny Jimin felt. I could feel his ribs poking out. How...I need to fix this.

"It's so nice to see you Yoongi" he whispers in my ear. He lets go of me and smiles while looking around. When he spotted the hair dyes he walked over and started looking at the colors.

"Hmmmm...I kind of like this pastel blue a lot!"

"Me too! So is that the one?"

"Definitely! Come here Yoongi" he says motioning for me to come over. I wheel myself over and stare up at him

"Ready?" He asks

"Always am"

He grabs a hold of my wheelchair and spins me so that my back is facing him. He grabs a towel and placed it over my back while mumbling "don't want any stains do we?"

He ran his fingers through my hair and oh how I longed for this. It was pure bliss. I leaned into his hand urging him on, until he giggled and ruffled my hair.

"I forgot how fluffy your hair was" he whispered softly

"I forgot how much I love YOU touching my hair" he hummed after my statement.

He didn't say much after that, we made small talk as he applied the hair dye but that was it. I was just so happy to get the chance to hear his sweet voice. I had ordered take out before he came over so we ate Chinese as we waited for the dye to soak in.

When it was time to rinse we went to the bathroom sink since it was lower for my wheelchair. I placed my head against the sink and Jimin leaned over me...he was so close to me, I could feel his warmth radiating through me. As he began to rinse my hair I couldn't help but close my eyes and let a moan escape my mouth as his fingers worked their magic. As soon as I let that moan escape Jimin gasped and  I instantly snapped my eyes open. There he was looking at me with a pretty blush covering his face and dark eyes.

"Sorry, it just felt really good" I mumbled a little embarrassed, although I was quite satisfied with the reaction Jimin had.

An awkward silence soon followed as he finished rinsing and washing my hair without saying anything.

"Your hair looks great Yoongi, the color really suits you" Jimin finally says quietly as he hands me a mirror.

"Thanks Jimin" I say while looking at myself in the mirror. I see him shifting awkwardly from my peripheral vision.

"Well, I should probably start heading home now"

I grab his hand instantly and look up at him with hopeful eyes.

"P-please stay, I need...w-we need to talk"

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