Chapter 21

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Where's that stupid alarm coming from? I try to open my eyes but they feel so heavy. Why does my body hurt so much?

I finally started to get some function of my eyes and slowly open them. It took a moment for them to adjust to the bright lights, it seemed like I was staring at a white ceiling? Where am I? I tried to move my head to look around but I couldn't, I tried to speak but all that came out was a grunt. What's going on? My eyes move around crazily trying to figure out what's wrong, panic taking over me. I start breathing heavily out of fear, what's wrong with me? That's when I felt something or someone grab my hand.

"Sh-shhhhh calm down, everything will be okay Yoongi" a muffled voice said

Then it all hit me. I was driving Jimin and I home when I heard him yell for me to look out....Jimin! Where's Jimin! Is he ok? This is all my fault! Jimin?
Jimin? Jimin? Jimin?

"J-Jim-min?" I finally get out. My voice sounding raspy and muffled. I try again.


"Shhhhhh it's ok, I'm right here baby"

"I'm s-so s-sor-rry! I should have p-paid attent-tion, I'm so s-sorry!" I felt tears streaming down my face "this is all m-my f-fault!"

"Yoongi, calm down baby please" Jimins voice cracking.

"H-how...a-are you alright?"

"I'm fine love, I just have a broken leg and some was a drunk driver baby. He was swiveling and got into our lane. It wasn't your fault, okay?"

"W-what? Jimin let me see! This is all my fault. I can't believe I hurt you!" I tried to move into a sitting position but I couldn't.  I tried swinging my legs over the bed but I couldn't. I tried to wiggle my toes but I couldn't. Slowly realization was creeping up on me.

"W-why can't I feel my legs Jimin?" I was honestly scared

"I-I don't know" he stuttered out with confusion and in a state of hurry said "I'm going to get the doctor, I'll be right back"

What was wrong with me? I tried wiggling my fingers and that worked. But I couldn't even wiggle my toes. I start pinching my thighs and nothing. I don't feel anything.

"Ahhh, you're awake Mr. Min. I'm Doctor Kim, that was some nasty accident you had" and so everything was answered.

I told the doctor everything that was happening, everything I was feeling. He explained to me that I had a neck brace on and that's why I couldn't move my head just in case of a spinal injury, which it seemed likely since I couldn't move my legs. I was taken for an MRI that later confirmed the injury. I had literally splintered my spine. It was a complete spinal cord injury, the nerves were all destroyed. I was currently in a state of shock. I just couldn't believe it.

"I'm sorry Jimin" I whispered as sleep overcame me.

Always and Forever (yoonmin texting)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora