Chapter 24

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6 months later

It's been six months since that dreadful day, the day I let the love of my life slip away. It was for his own good...he deserved so much better. I haven't been able to stop thinking about him, is it selfish to want him back? There's no way he'd take me back that's for sure. Jimin with his beautiful smile and kind heart. Jimin who's somehow cute and sexy at the same time. Jimin who doesn't fucking get out of my mind.

I sigh and open my eyes. It's currently 1:00 pm and I'm still laying down in bed. I look to my right to see my wheelchair next to my bed, I guess I really should start my day. About three and a half months ago I was released from the rehabilitation facility and I was able to come back home. Thank god my apartment is on the first floor so getting in and out hasn't been a problem. I was able to find a job from home composing jingles for commercials, not really composing songs but it's still composing.

I went through a lot of therapy at rehab, and I still am every Thursday morning. Dr. Kim Seokjin has really helped me with my troubled past and my troubled present as well. He's talked to me about Jimin and how I should really reach out to him, but I'm just too scared. He's better off without me...but then again I'm feeling selfish lately. Could it really hurt to try?

YoongiMin: hey

TheLoveILetGo: *typing*


YoongiMin: I was just wondering how you were doing...

TheLoveILetGo: are you kidding me?

TheLoveILetGo: it's been 6 fucking months and you're going to text me as if nothing happened?

TheLoveILetGo: you fucking asshole

YoongiMin: I know I am...

TheLoveILetGo: you want to know how I am?

TheLoveILetGo: I'm fucking broken because of you, you pushed me away when all I wanted to do was shower you with love and now you TEXT me as if nothing happened. How do you think I feel?

YoongiMin: Jimin

YoongiMin: I'm so so sorry...

TheLoveILetGo: yea I'm sorry too...sorry that I was crazy enough to fall in love with you.

YoongiMin: don't say that please...

TheLoveILetGo: it's not like you loved me anyways...

YoongiMin: I have always loved you I never stopped.
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