Waiting on the Ransom Call

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Kim spots Jane in the kitchen and walks over to talk to her.

"How are you holding up?" Kim asks.
"Well my daughters are missing and there's been no ransom call. So pretty terrible," Jane says smartly.
"My unit is digging into everything they can to find out who took your girls. Meanwhile, ransom calls typically take place within the first 3 hours. So we still have time. It is also possible that the kidnappers don't want your money," Kim explains.
"Well my husband seems to think," Jane responds.
"Why is that? Do you know?" Kim asks.
"I have no idea. I wish I did," Jane says walking away.

Meanwhile Adam finds Mark in his study.
"Can I come in?" Adam asks.
"Just a minute" mark replies.
You can him shuffling papers around in a hurry and drawers closely fastly. Mark appears at the door of the study welcoming Adam in. Adam takes in the study, it's pretty messy compared to the rest of the house.

"I just wanted to see if there's anyone in your life who might want to hurt you by taking your daughters. Family, friend, co worker, anyone. I'm sure being a corporate insurance agent, you have made some enemies," Adam states.
"Why are you questioning me instead of whoever took my girls?!" Mark yells.
"Sir I'm just doing my job. I need to know if there's anyone angry enough with you who could be a suspect," Adam responds.
"No, no one is dumb enough to pull something like this. They all know better," Mark replies.
Adam looks at him shocked by his response.
"I need to tend to my wife. I'm sure she's very upsetting," mark states. Adam nods and walks over to where Kim is sitting waiting on a possible ransom call.

Adam walks up to her and whispers "make it look like you're showing me something on the screen. Tell me what you've learned".
Kim points to the screen,"Jane says she doesn't know why there's been no ransom or why her husband swears there won't be" she whispers back. She starts moving the mouse and clicking it to keep up their cover. Adam whispers," Yeah Mark definitely knows something. He just yelled at me that his enemies know better than to pull something like this."
"Adam I have a really bad feeling. I'm going to call Voight," Kim says.
"Good idea," Adam responds.

Kim walks into the kitchen to make the phone call. Before she can dial the number, Mark walks in and surprises her "what are you doing?" He asks.
Kim jumps, "you startled me. I'm about to call my sergeant to see if they have found anything yet and to let him know there's been no call".
"That's not going to happen," Mark says stepping closer to her," give me your phone and gun and don't make a sound"
Kim obliges and hands everything to Mark. He's puts both items in a cabinet and takes Kim up a staircase in the kitchen.

Adam has been talking with a tech guy when he realizes Kim hasn't came back yet. He walks towards the kitchen where he saw her go and Kim's not there. He looks out the window to see if she stepped outside but doesn't see her there either. He turns and notices one of the cabinets is partially opened. He opens the door and there is a gun and a phone, when he picks up the phone the screen lights up, it's a picture of Zoe. He recognizes Kim's niece right away.
"What the hell?" He asks to himself. He notices the staircase and draws his weapon before heading up the stairs. As he gets to the top and rounds the corner Mark places a shot gun against his back.

"Do anything stupid and she dies. Lay your gun on the ground and kick it off to the side" Mark commands.
Adam glances over and sees Kim bound to a chair with a rag in her mouth and Jane pointing a pistol at her head. He does what Mark says and kicks the gun away.

"Let's just all calm down and talk this out," Adam says.
"There's nothing to talk about. You two shouldn't be here. You know to much. So we have to make you disappear," Mark says.
"What about your girls?" Adam asks.
"We don't care about those whores. We sold them to sex trade,but needed to look the part of the upset parents," Jane states laughing.

Adam feels his phone vibrate in his pocket, when it ends Kim's phone also vibrates. He's hoping they'll realize something happened and that's why they aren't answering.

"What are you two planning to do with us?" Adam asks.
"Well I was planning on having some fun with that one and making you watch," Mark says with a smirk. Kim squirms in her seat and Adam can feel the anger rising.
"You touch her, you die," Adam states.
"Come on boy don't you know not to threaten the man with a guy pointed at you and your girl" Mark replies.
"Torture me. Beat me. Kill me. Don't touch her." Adam says.

Jane pulls the rag out of Kim's mouth.
"What do you think of that? Your boyfriend is offering his life for yours," Jane says laughing.
"That's not going to happen. We're all going to make it out of this alive," Kim states.
"What makes you think that?" Mark asks.
"Well you see your plan would have been perfect except you got the wrong team called in. Hank Voight is our sergeant. You've probably heard of him.  He's going to figure out that two of his officers are missing and he's not going to be happy. You see, if you would have been poor they would have passed this off to someone crack team, but since you're loaded we got the case. My partner and I are going to be just fine" Kim states.

Her talking has distracted both Jane and Mark long enough for Adam to pull Kim's gun out of his waistband. In one swift motion he places the barrel against the back of Janes head.

"Drop your weapon Mark or your wife dies," Adam orders.
"Whoa okay. Let's not get hasty. Let's all lower our weapons and go to our partners," Mark says.

The boys watch each other as they lower their weapons. Jane runs into Mark's arms as Adam starts untying Kim. He grabs her by the hand and starts to pull her towards the stairs.

"We lowered our weapons, but I didn't say you could leave," Mark yells.
"Watch us," Adam comments back. Still pushing Kim towards the stairs.

She feels Adam' hand get ripped away. Mark and Adam are rolling on the floor throwing punches. Jane eyes the shotgun on the floor. Kim sees her move towards it. Kim moves towards Jane as Jane aims the gun at the guys. There's no clear shot though. As Kim moves to knock the gun away from her it goes off. The boys stop fighting and roll over to see what happened. Kim and Jane both hit the floor. Adam can hear sirens in the background and can see blood but can't tell who it belongs too.

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