

Luca had forgotten entirely about her pain medication. He had asked Nikos to fill it, but he didn't give Elizabeth any pills.

'I forgot something. I'm going to turn in. I'll see you tomorrow for breakfast.'

'We need to go out to one of the building sites tomorrow. There's apparently a problem they want one of us to take a look at. It shouldn't take more than an hour or so, I need you to do that for me.'


'Because I'm asking you too, will you do it?'

'Yes, as long as it's quick. I don't want to leave Elizabeth for too long.'

'Like I said it shouldn't take more than an hour. You should head out around nine thirty. I'll see you at breakfast.'


He called Nikos.

'Where are you?'

'I'm in the kitchen.'

'Do you have Elizabeth's prescription?'

'I put it in your room.'


With that, he hung up and went upstairs. He listened outside of Elizabeth's door, but he couldn't hear anything. He walked further down and opened the door to his room, which would soon become their room. He had done the remodeling he had planned. It was now larger enough for two people.

The minute you walked in there was a lounge area with a sofa and table and a big TV, to the left was a large airy space where the bed and two side tables stood. Next to that was a large lounge chair with a footstool and a small side table. He thought maybe Elizabeth would like it for a reading area.

There was a door next to that which led to a walk-in closet.

To the right of the lounge area was a smaller dining room table in case they wanted to eat on their own, and the door next to that led through to the bathroom. He put some extra thought to that room. He had installed a big shower for him and a large bathtub for Elizabeth. He didn't know for sure, but she looked like a woman who enjoyed a bath. Double sink vanity.

He had first planned to do the color scheme white with some black accent. It was the preferred style of the man who had decorated the house ten years ago. He and his father had never cared enough to change it.

But this time around the decorator told him that for a woman, he needed to go with a different color scheme. So instead of matching the rest of the house, this had been decorated in soft pastels of crème, pale blue and some touches of grey. It turned out quite nice. He hoped she was going o like it.

He located the pills and turned around to go back to Elizabeth's room.

He knocked softly on her door, not just because he felt bad about earlier, but he also wanted her to know he'd calmed down.

There was no answer.

He opened the door slowly, in time for her to scream 'get out' if that's what she was going to do. But nothing came, not a sound.

It wasn't until he walked in properly that he could hear the soft sound of her breathing, the small lit light in the room cast a bit of light and he could see her lying in bed, asleep.

He put her pills on the nightstand, and then stood there just watching her, he didn't know for how long. He finally pulled himself away. With a promise to himself, he would do better to take care of her tomorrow. He would do better.

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