Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Getting out of the airport terminal, the heat struck Elizabeth straight away. The summer heat of Greece always felt to her like a slap in the face. It was very different from the milder English summer climate.

Her cousin Samantha had moved to Greece two years ago for reasons unbeknownst to her. But she seemed to have fallen in love with the country after a holiday with friends a couple of years ago and decided to move there on the spot.

It was the kind of impulsivity that had always guided Samantha's life. So even though Elizabeth hadn't felt overly surprised, even she had thought that this time it was a bit too much.

But all had worked out for her cousin, not that there was ever any question about that for Elizabeth. Things always turned out well for Samantha.

If she hadn't loved her cousin so much, that might have made her feel jealous or perhaps even resentful that things always seemed to just work out, no matter how impossible or crazy her impulsive decisions seemed.

But instead, she had just felt at ease knowing that you really didn't have to worry about her. It might seem crazy, but everything will be fine.

'I don't know how you cope with this Samantha, the heat is suffocating.'

Her cousin looked at her with that exuberant smile that had been her trademark since they were young children.

'I prefer this to the lukewarm summer heat of England, that's for sure. I spend my days by the pool or the beach in as little clothing as possible. If this were home, I would freeze my as off.'

Elizabeth chuckled and then asked.

'What do you mean you spend your days by the pool or the sea? Don't you have work to do? You're still with the cosmetic company, aren't you?'

There was a short silence as they walked through the car park before Samantha answered.

'No. I'm not with them anymore. Actually, they fired me six weeks ago.'

That chocked Elizabeth. Samantha had loved that job, not to mention been really good at it.

'Why would they fire you? You were one of their best salespeople were you not? I remember it was just six months ago since you scored yet another price for your achievements there.'

'I just couldn't put in the hours that they required of me. I needed to take some time for myself, and they didn't like it. After a while, the situation just got to be so acrimonious that they decided it was just better to part ways.'

'I'm sorry, Sam, I know you loved that job. What did you need to take personal time for? Have you been feeling ill?'

Even Elizabeth could hear the worry creeping into her own voice. Samantha was never ill and had never to her knowledge needed personal time.'

'Don't worry Lizzie, it's nothing serious. The fact is I have met someone. I have a boyfriend, and I wanted to spend time with him. It just didn't gel with my schedule at work. '

Elizabeth was stunned.

'I'm sorry, are you saying you have basically quit a job you love just so you can spend your days with a new boyfriend? And what do you mean it didn't gel? You work during the day like most people, are you also telling me that this guy you've been seeing doesn't have a job of his own? How do you expect to support yourself if you don't work?'

'Will you calm down? You're bombarding me with questions without even giving me a minute to answer them.'

Elizabeth stopped walking and turned to Samantha.

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