'Why not?'

'You're not my type.'

'You don't go for tall dark and handsome?'

Was this guy for real?

'Are you trying to wind me up?'

His small smile told her that was precisely what he was trying to do.

He came closer to her; with the help of the heels, her head at least reached up to his chin. And she kept her eye on his throat, not wanting to meet his gaze.

He kept silent, and by all accounts were looking at something in the distance before his left hand came up and cupped her chin pulling her face up to look at him. And the minute her eyes met his, he swooped down and kissed her.

Elizabeth was so shocked she didn't do anything to stop him; it took her a few seconds to get her wits about her at which point she pushed at his chest to get him off of her. He was a lot stronger than her, so she didn't delude herself that he stopped the kiss because she pushed him away.

As soon as his lips left hers and she could see that self-satisfied smile on his face, her hand automatically as if it had a life on its own, came up and connected with his cheek.

He went from looking shocked, to angry in a few seconds. And then almost as if he had gleaned something from her face, he seemed to calm down. He just took a deep breath and said.

'You're cousins here.'

She looked over at a shocked Samantha standing there looking like a codfish, and before she could deliver a blistering set down to Luca, he said.

'I'll see you around.'

And jumped into an on waiting range rover, she hadn't even spotted before.

Seriously she just wanted this night to be over.

Unfortunately for her, Samantha didn't feel the same way. They spent the car ride home first discussing the meeting with Mateo, but after that Samantha seemed way more interested in talking about Luca than keeping quiet.

Elizabeth's head felt as though it was about to explode.

'Jesus Sam, can we please stop talking about this. I liked Mateo, you seem really well suited. I'm happily going to jump on your happy train with you. Can that just end tonight's discussion? I have a bad headache.'

'Lizzie he kissed you. And I don't know if you noticed, but the man was staring at you all night like he wished you'd been the main course instead of the actual food. Even Mateo mentioned him showing interest in you.'

'Then why don't you talk to Mateo about it, because I feel done with this conversation. I'm never going to meet the man again. And I would prefer to leave it there if you don't mind.'

'You really have no idea who that man is, do you?'

'No. Nor do I particularly care. It was obvious that they weren't friends though. How you didn't feel the tension in the air as soon as he walked in I don't know.'

'Come on Lizzie.'

'No I'm serious. 'Please join us for dinner.''

Elizabeth said trying to sound like Samantha.

'Don't mind my boyfriend here who seems to be paralyzed with fear. Join us why don't you. Even when he grabbed my arm as if he had the right to, you didn't say anything. How about don't maul my cousin asshole? That would have worked for me.'

'I'm sorry Elizabeth. I was stunned when I saw him walk in. I didn't realize that Mateo knew him. And I did notice the tension, but only after I'd invited him. And it frightened me, so I just tried to keep everything pleasant.'

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