'I'm worried, Sam.'

Elizabeth saw the flicker in Samantha's eyes and knew that she got her.

They had always had that kind of relationship.

Elizabeth was the responsible, serious, and cautious one. The worrier.

Samantha was spontaneous, frivolous, and carefree. The easy-going one.

But there had always been respectfulness on both sides.

And if Samantha ever felt that Elizabeth was truly worried, she would always take it seriously.

After all, they were the only family they had left. 10 years ago when they had both been seventeen, their parents had decided it was high time for a holiday for just the four of them. Elizabeth's parents and her aunt and uncle had felt since the girls were seventeen now, they were responsible enough to handle being left for a week on their own.

They had never gotten their Holiday.

The plane had crashed due to a bird strike on the way up killing everyone on the flight. Leaving two young girls orphaned at the tender age of seventeen.

They had clung to each other and barely spent a day apart until Samantha's Holiday in Greece two years ago.

Their parent's deaths had changed the girls differently. Samantha became obsessed with the thought that life could be over at any minute, so you had to live every day as it was your last. She became fearless and did whatever she wanted whenever she wanted to do it.

Elizabeth's obsession became helping others that had experienced the same loss as she and Samantha, but that hadn't been old enough to live by themselves or make their own decisions.


It was just the two of them now. And they might be different as night and day, but the love and bond they shared were absolute and strong on both sides.

'I know you are. And I knew you would be. This is why I haven't said anything during our weekly call. I wanted you to come here so we could talk in person instead. So let's get in the car and just go to my place and get you settled in with a cool drink, and then we'll talk about all the important stuff. Ok?'

Elizabeth took a deep breath and decided to just give Samantha was she seemed to need.


The car ride was not silent, but you could definitely feel a bit of tension in the air. It seemed as though Samantha had not only given up her work, she had also acquired a new car. They were driving around in what appeared to be a brand new BMW.

For Elizabeth, this rang some alarm bells. But she had promised to keep her mouth shut until they got to the apartment and could sit down and talk properly.

'How's your job going?' Samantha asked.

It was the perfect distraction for Elizabeth.

'It's going. Too much work to little time.'

'I don't know how you do it. I hope you're taking some time for yourself as well Lizzie. If you allow work to consume all your time, you won't have any left to actually live your life.'

Elizabeth knew this was true, but she couldn't help herself.

'I know all this Sam, but how can you priorities going out to dinner when you know there's a five-year-old that has just lost his parents that needs placement. Or how can you justify going to a party when you know several children are sleeping in temporary cots with no family, completely devastated to have lost the most important people in the world to them when you could spend that time trying to find a family for them.'

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