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Wonpil grabbed eight horses for you guys to leave. When you asked why, Wonpil explained it was for the clan.

After you got the clan, all of you rode back to you palace.

You stopped in front of the gates, staring up at your old home.

A guard made his way up to you, checking to see if you were on the Visitor's List.

"Last name ma'am?" The guard asked without looking up.

"....Haechan it's me."

"Princess?!" He exclaimed, looking up from his list startled. He immediantly bowed. "So sorry, Princess. Glad to have you back."

You smiled at his cuteness. He was only a week in the job when you left. Now, it's his fourth year.

Haechan looked behind you, mentally counting all the horses and people. "Are they all with you?"

"Yes they are."

"Then come on in! Welcome home, princess." He said, pressing a button to make the doors open.

As you walked down the pathway, you heard sounds of amazement from the clan, Bobby and Wonpil included.

A maid came out to greet you. You smiled. It was the maid who has been cleaning your room ever since you were a baby.

"Y/n? I'm so happy you're back. Your family will be estatic!"

You smiled. "Where are they?"

"They're in the throne room right now. Just walk right in." She smiled that warm smile you missed.

You nodded, and motioned for the others to follow you.

As you got to the throne room, you told the clan to wait outside, you just wanted a small family reconnection before all of them come out. Silently, you put up your hood and walked into the throne room.

Unrecognizing your hooded figure, your father immediantly stood up

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Unrecognizing your hooded figure, your father immediantly stood up. "Who are you, imposter?! How did you get in here??!!!!!"

Your father and Ji-yong looked mad. Your mother and Woozi looked scared, and Tao looked interested, hoping for a fight.

You took a good look at your family. Your mother and father got same new grays in their hair. Ji-yong looked the same, except he looked more sharp, more alert. Woozi's shoulders got broader, and he got taller, he also got a hair cut.

And Tao...

Still looked like you as a male.

He got taller, more muscular, and has a new little scar by his lip.

You were so fascinated you forgot to answer your father's question, to which he got mad.


That tone of voice was to make anyone pee in their pants, but you only laughed.


"Chill, dad. It's just me." You said, taking off your hoodie.

"Y/n?" Your parents said in unison, jaws dropping.

"Y/n!" Woozi yelled. He ran to you and almost tackled you in a hug.

Your parents were the next to hug you. "Thank you for saving Woozi." Your father said. And that you got angry.

"Really dad? No,"welcome back" or anything?"

"Sorry, sweetie. Of course I'm happy your back, and I want to apologize for sending you away."

You smiled, seeing his sincerity. "I forgive you."

Ji-yong then came up. "I'm so glad your okay." He whispered while hugging you.

"Thank you." You said while pulling away.

You looked behind Ji-yong, and saw Tao still sitting on his throne.

He was crying.

Crying happy tears.

You smiled and stepped around your father

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You smiled and stepped around your father. "You miss me little brother?"

Tao shot up from his throne, tipping it over in the process. He ran down and picked you up, hugging you while spinning.

"Don't ever leave me again." He sobbed.

"I won't. Not again. Not ever."

"How are you here, Y/n?"

You smiled sheepishly in the corner, where Bobby and the clan were still keeping guard. "You may want to sit down for this, guys."

They all warily say down in their thrones, Tao on the ground cuz he was too lazy to pick up his throne.

"So Leo treated me like a slave. It was terrible. Luckily his brother Wonpil kept me sane or else I wouldn't be here.

Eventually I escaped. I met a clan and I fell in love with the leader."

Ji-yong's jaw clenched.

"Eventually I got taken back to the palace, where we got married then I was locked up with Woozi. "

Tao stomped his foot, and, considering he was on the floor, he looked like a pouty child.

"The clan then came and rescued me."

"What happened to Leo?" Tao asked.


"May I ask, daughter," your father spoke up, ignoring your last comment, "but who is this clan?"

You looked directly into your father's eyes, something you wouldn't usually do. "They aren't really a clan. Just the remains of it. You remember your allies, don't you?"

Your father turned pale. "Kim Hyung-sik....he's still alive?"

"No, but his son is. Come on out boys."

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