meat covered tofu roll

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I tried to contain the craving but my body betrayed me. 

The next thing I know is that I was nipping at someone's neck and I drankf rom it. My insides went crazy as blood rushed from the neck to my mouth. 

It felt so good that I did not feel the need to stop. After a while of nipping more, I felt the person go limp in my arms and I have to let it go.

After my vision cleared up, I was devastated at the sight before me. In front of me layed elizabeth lifeless. Like blood was drained form her system. She was pale as a ghost.

I realized soon after that it was me. I was the that killed her. I was the one that drained the life out of the girl I love.

I knelt down beside her and cried. I know crying would not help but seein gyou rlover lying there lifeless is not the most pleasurable sight to see.

After days and days of grieving something inside me clicked. I felt my heart stopped beating. I ran away from christopher and I just wandered the streets.

When I got hungry I killed people until it quenched my thirst but nothing could. 

One I went back, I was lost. I didn't know what to do and what I was. I didn't know why it happened to me. 

I didn't know how to live my life. If I have one. I didn't know how to cntrol this undeniable hunger and the cravings for blood.

I sat down on the ground and held my face in my hands. I felt my thoughts drift away to the olden days. Back where eveything was simple.

I remembered the day when my father told me about the supernatural world. He told me about the bodark and strigoi. 

My father originated from romania and they have myths and legends about them. He would tell me about it but I never believed in such thing.

My father got so deep into telling the story that he didn't notice I was confused about it. I was just confused about the names but about what they are, I got it loud and clear.

I asked my father if they have simplier names. Ones that i can remember. I may not believe in it but my father seems to enjoy this.

And everytime I showed my interest in it, My father"s eyes would light up. 

I loved seeing my family happy. I would do anything for them just to make them happy. 

He told me that sometimes, they were called vampires and werewolves.

He also told me that werewolves are shape shifters. They can turn to a wolf and back to their hman forms as they please.

Werewolves are known for their temper. They can be very aggresive when provoked. But they are very loyal when it comes to their friends and family.

They don't mean harm to any human but centuries ago they were hunted down to extinction and eventually got wiped out on the face of the earth.

While vampires on the other hand, They were dangerous.

They were ruthless creatures that killed people without having seconds thoughts about it.

Vampires are known for their good looks and charming eyes and well built bodies. They tend to walk in daylight but some dies.

I was told hat they would hunt their prey at night and charm them and evetually kill them. All of their victims are drained of blood. Blood trickled from their necks to the ground. 

Sometimes vampires leave as is to let others know that they have crossed their territory. 

I snapped my open. Vampires. They have fangs. They are strong and fast.

Torn between a vampire and a wolfTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang