Everyone watched in slight shock as he pulled her up from her seat. He walked her to where nobody was lounging and placed one of her hands on his shoulder and held the other, his available hand went to her waist. They started slow dancing in the middle of his house as everyone looked on with either shock or joy. They looked pretty cute together.

When the song ended they went and sat back down. The next song came on and they all listened for awhile. Eventually it was time to go again so when the Survivor said as much, they all stood and left after turning off the lights and music and locking the door. By now it was 11pm so they started walking away from his house.

Only about 20 minutes away, the house just out of sight, they stopped when the Survivor put a hand up to stop them. When everyone stopped moving they heard a rumbling noise, hissing and the sound of sand shaking.

"Nobody move or make a sound!" The Survivor whisper-shouted. Everybody looked at him questionably, but did what he said. They really hoped that he wasn't going crazy, that would make everything so much harder.

Bellamy and Raven were at his sides so he grabbed Bellamy's left arm and Raven's right arm so that they wouldn't jump if what he thought was about to happen, actually happened.

And he was right about what was about to come. Suddenly a giant creature burst out of the sand and starting running about frantically. Finally it stopped, apparently it caught the snake it was after because now it was in its mouth.

Once it stopped moving they could finally see what it was. Right there in front of them, was a giant lizard. It was red, beige, black and brown, it had big horns on its head and beady black eyes. It was around 9 feet tall and 3 feet wide with giant spikes going down its spine and all over its tail. It's teeth were 6 inches long, at least, and razor sharp to the touch (which would be a dumb idea, don't touch things that are razor sharp.)

"It's mostly deaf and can barely see you unless you move." The Survivor whispered. The lizard was right in front of them, just staring.

A scream broke through the eerie silence. The lizard launched over them and headed to the back of the group, they all snapped their heads towards the noise. There, lay Clarke on the ground holding her ankle.

Right as the lizard pinned her, the Survivor dropped his bag and bolted from his spot next to Raven and Bellamy. Only Bellamy and Finn saw how Raven reached for him to grab the back of his coat so that he wouldn't go near it. But she missed and he used his super speed to get there quickly.

He jumped on the lizards back, making sure to avoid the spikes, and pulled out a sword. He had a ton of weapons on him, they're just pretty easily concealed. The lizard made a screech noise and jumped trying to get him off. It stepped on Clarke's leg and stabbed her thigh with a claw causing her to shriek again.

The Survivor stabbed it in the neck, right on the artery and twisted the knife making blood pour out, and regretfully, land on Clarke.

Then the Survivor grabbed another knife and stabbed the lizard in the eye. He pulled out both knives once he had plunged them as deep as they could go. The ginormous lizard cried out as he jumped off of it, and kicked its side making it stagger. Eventually it toppled over, next to Clarke.

"Bring my bag here! Now!" The Survivor urged as he kneeled next to Clarke. Eventually Bellamy, Finn and Raven were by his side. Raven handed him his bag and he took it gratefully.

Behind them Monty was try to make sure that Jasper didn't vomit. He was never a fan of gore or blood and man this situation had both.

The Survivor unzipped his bag and pulled out another, smaller, leather pouch. He unzipped that bag too, to show that it was full of vials. He rushed through it quickly, he had to hurry or she might slip into a coma and then only the healers at Polis would be able to help. Also she may die, but he was trying to stay on the bright side.

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