"Have you experienced.."

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Free your mind and imagine. Your professor dismissed your class on 5:43 pm and your school is two hours away from your house. You run fast. You need to go home because the rush hour is up and it will become worse if you stay late. You're standing. Waiting for a bus to ride. You even call God because you're too desperate on going home. Luckily, God answered your prayer, a yellow bus arrived with full of passengers inside. You squeeze yourself inside. Determined to go home without experiencing the bad rush hour. While squeezing yourself you felt the struggle, pain and relief. Two minutes later the bus is moving smoothly and you're just there standing, looking for someone to drop themselves off somewhere so you can seat.

After 17 minutes of waiting, the bus stopped and many passengers hurriedly step out on the bus at A station. There this fine looking guy that calls your attention giving you his seat but when you look around you saw an old man. You observe him. You saw him standing, his skin is crumpled like a paper, his back is slouched permanently and holding a heavy baggage. You offered him the seat that is already yours. He gladly accept it and you just smiled back at him. This short story, we can relate it to letting go and holding on.

Have you experienced that? Sacrificing a free seat in the bus for someone who needed it more than yourself? Sacrificing something that makes you happy? Sacrificing someone you love because you hurt each other too much? You want to know the right term for that? It's called letting go. "Holding on makes more damage than letting go." To be honest, there are times that holding on is tolerable. Actually, it depends on the situation but if love is what we are talking about here. Well, its a different case. Love is a challenge. An everyday battle.

At first having someone who loves you back is overwhelming but after a year or more. Believe me or not, your love will go through a road full of rocks and you guys will decide on that situation, on what will happen next. They say holding on to someone is much painful than letting go. It feels like you're pulling a rope that is connected to a huge truck but despite of that almost of us still choose to hold on.

You know, the truck is heavy but you still choose to pull it. You chose to pull it because inside that heavy truck is the huge memories you have together. You chose to hold on to that than letting go. Sometime, holding on makes you failure and sadness but in every sadness is someone's happiness. In every failure is someone's success. It's just a matter of choice. If you'll look on the brighter side or you just keep on drowning yourself from paid . It's your own decision. Think carefully and surely.

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