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5 years later -

Ernie and Doris are now 8 years old, Phoebe and Daisy are 10 years old; I'm 21 years old and Harry and the guys are 22 years old.

I found out a year ago when I contacted my biological dad's parents the reason why mum and Mark never searched for us; they were murdered by men that Mark owned large sums off money. Mum and Mark were murdered six months after I took my siblings and ran.

I also found out from my grandparents that I was given legal gurdianship of my siblings since mum and Mark's parents didn't want my brother and sisters.

Harry and I are still living together, falling more and more in love everyday; despite the bumps in the road that we have like any relationship. I wonder if we will be together five years from now or if we will go our seperate ways. I don't wish for Harry and I to split but anything is possible and I am aware of this. I love him and he loves me but I'm still leary of relationships, especially ours and how happy we are despite our small arguments.

I know that he could do much better than a screwed up person, who was abused for years with low self-esteam and four children to raise. Doris is the only one of the four kids who calls Harry 'dad' or 'daddy' as the other three call him by his name; while all four have been calling me 'papa' for the last four years.

I feel bad that Daisy, Phoebe and Ernie don't call Harry 'dad' or 'daddy' but I cannot bring myself to make them and Harry says he doesn't want them forced to either. I'm still working at the same place while Harry attends university; Liam and Zayn (whom are dating) will watch the kids for me while I work and Harry attends classes and sometimes Zayn will when he isn't working or attending university as well. Liam is learning from his dad to take over the family buisness so he doesn't need to attend university and Niall is working for Liam's dad when Harry is home to watch the kids.

Zayn is attending art classes and Harry is attending classes for buisness, as he wants to take over his step-dad's fashion buisness when the time comes. I'm taking online courses to finish high school at Harry's insistance and of course I want too as well. I only have one more semester to complete and then I can attend university if I choose and I haven't quite decided if I want too or not since I have no clue as to what I would study.

Besides I need to work to support the kids, Harry and I; Robin and Anne give us a small amount of money every month but I insist that Harry uses that money for anything he needs, despite his protests. I love Harry but over the last ten months, we haven't been intamate and I know and understand that he's busy with his course work but I can't squash the nagging feeling that he's seeing someone else and honestly I just wish he would admit to this and end our relationship instead of stringing me along.

Sighing as I stand from my chair at the window, trying to fight the depressing feelings that are bubbling up from my stomach. Wandering to the living room from my bedroom, knowing the kids will be out of school soon, seeing that I need to walk to the school to collect them.

Harry should have been here an hour ago but he texted saying that he was staying a couple of hours later at the university for a study group; he does this regurlary and I truly believe that he is seeing someone else on the side and this excuse is his cover.

Exiting the house and locking the door behind me to walk to the school to collect my siblings with my hands in my pants pockets and deep in thought. By the time I've reached the inside of the school and to the kindergarten classroom where Ernie and Doris are, I've decided that Harry and I need to seperate and when the school year is done my plan is to move again.

I don't plan on saying anything to Harry or anyone else about my decision and to just find another new town, job, home and school before I place my plan into action. Placing my best fake smile into place as the classroom door opens and my youngest siblings exit and they look as miserable as I feel. We head to the fifth grade classrooms to collect Phoebe and Daisy and I know that by the time the older two exit their classroom, I'm sure that my decision is for the best; as we were walking home Phoebe tells me that all four of them are not happy having Harry around becuase he doesn't act like he doesn't love them or me anymore.

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