Chapter 4

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Following the entire group to the Twist home, through the wooden gate that leads to a spacious back yard; where there is a distintive smell of charcole burning. Inhaling deeply at the mixture of charcole and flowers, I can't help the fond smile that crosses my face at the memory it brings forward.

The mixture always reminds me of the summers I would spend in London with my mum's parents before they passed away several years ago. Suddenly saddened by the fact that my sisters and brother won't be able to experience that; I quickly pull myself out of that downward spiral when my siblings squeal loudly.

Glancing down at them to see all four of them focused on something, so I bring my gaze to where they are looking to find a wooden swing set with a rock climbing wall, two swings and a spirla slide and a ladder to climb onto a deck.

Smiling gently but afraid to tell them to go ahead and play when it isn't ours or at the park.

Anne smiles brightly at us as do the other three woman as she tells my siblings; "Go ahead and play."

Daisy and Phoebe quickly holler out a 'thank you' as they run off toward the play structure as does Doris but Ernie refuses to leave my side as he clings to the leg of my jean.

Once Doris reaches the structure, Phoebe and Daisy instantly include her in their activity as I glance down at my little brother with a small frown.

Squatting down in front of him as he stares wide eyed at me; "What's the matter Ernie?"

"I no wanna, I stay with you," he whispers with tears and fear in his eyes.

Nodding at him, knowing that he is scared of the new people even though he was orignially okay with coming over here. Picking him up in my arms where he instantly wraps his arms and legs around me tightly burrying his face into my neck.

Realizing that the only sounds I hear are from my sisters, I meet the eyes of the others along with men I don't know but am assuming that are the women's spouses and other child along with a few girls.

Meakly smiling at them as they all return the smile as they turn back to what they were doing prior to my talk with Ernie. Smiling down at my little brother when he lies his head on my shoulder with his face pressed into my neck while he fits my hair at the back of my head.

I'm startled when a gentle hand lands on my shoulder opposite of Ernie; snapping my head toward the hand to find it belongs to Anne. She smiles at me as I shift Ernie to a more comfortable hold on my hip.

"Come meet the others?" she asks softly.

Nodding at her, she turns to lead me to a big man, who she introduces me as her husband, Robin.

"Hello sir," I whisper scared of him even though I'm sure I shouldn't be but I am not a fan of men, especially ones who are bigger and taller than myself.

"Hello young man, little man," Robin greets us with a surprisingly light voice.

Ernie waves his hand at Robin as he peeks out from his hiding spot on my neck before Robin turns his attention back to me as three other men and three girls come toward us; all with tentative smiles.

"Hey I'm Gemma," a girl with long chocolate brown hair greets. "You look like you're my brother's age," she states as she points to Harry.

Gulping as I shake my head; "Not sure how old he is but I'm 18 years old."

Gemma and the others frown at me as she replies; "Harry's 17 years old. Really thought you were his age."

Robin introudces everyone else Niall's brother, Zayn's father along with Liam's two sisters. As time drags on I become more comfortable around everyone; especially the rest of the Twist family and Zayn's mum.

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