Chapter 2

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Luck had to have been on my side; on the way home from enrolling the girls in kindergarden and the elemantry school also has a 3 year old preschool and I was able to sign Doris and Ernie as well, I found two wagons for sale and these were fairly cheap. These wagons will be handy for not only pulling the both sets of twins in one but I can use the other to haul back groceries. Entering the house after the four little ones, I relock the door behind myself; "Girls, please put your bags in the kitchen for me?" I ask Phoebe and Daisy, who nod making their way to the room mentioned. Tomorrow as the four kids are at school, I'm going to job hunt; fingers crossed that I can find something that is within resonable walking distance of home and school. I need a job and I need one as soon as possible. I know I have some money for us to live off of for a few months but I want to keep that in reserves for emergencies and the occassional fun activity with the kids. Sighing as I settle the youngest twins in the living room with a movie on the telly, I head into the kitchen to place the food items away and have the older twins attend the younger ones while watching the movie too. Knowing that I need to make dinner soon, I quickly place away the food items; keeping out what I need to make chicken alfrado tonight. Sighing to myself as I listen to the kids playing with the telly on low, wondering for a split second if I did the right thing by taking my siblings and running with them. Then remembering the terrified expressions on Phoebie and Daisy's faces when I would be beaten by Mark, I knew I did the right thing and saving them for that horror. Placing the chicken that's in a pan in the warmed oven, I join my siblings in the living room instantly smiling as they are playing peacefully together. Sitting down on the floor with my back against the couch, as the two sets of twins play; one of my hopes for them is that they can forget the horrors they've seen and have as normal of a childhood as they can. "Lou-Lou, I hungy," Ernie says as he climbs onto my lap, giving me a hug around my neck. Smiling down at him as I brush his hair from his eyes; "I've got dinner started already." Ernie squeezes sightly before pulling back with a happy smile. "What is it?" "Chicken alfredo and milk."An hour and a half later the timer on the stove beeps signaling that the chicken is almost done, so I excuse myself to the kitchen to finish the noodles with alfredo sause before adding the chicken. Finishing the noodles with sause, I cut the chicken into bite size bites and tossing the pieces into the pan. "Dinner!" I holler from the kitchen because I know that sooner or later, one or all of them will be wandering into the kitchen looking for food. Serving out four portions for them, making sure they have enough before serving myself. I always make sure that they have enough to eat before I have any. The four of them running into the kitchen and sitting on the chairs around the table and I can't help but smile as I serve them their plates with forks and their cups with milk. Sitting down once they have their dinner with mine, we talk throughout dinner and I love that we can talk freely without fear of being yelled at or me being hit for speaking out of turn. I want them to enjoy their childhood and not fearing doing something wrong and being dealt with harshly. Shaking my head softly, shaking out the negative memories, wanting to only to focus on all the good memories we will make from now on. I just need to make sure that we are careful and safe from. Focusing on the conversation at hand with the kids until the end of dinner and having Phoebe and Daisy place the dirty dishes on the counter as I clean Doris and Ernie before sending the four of them upstairs with me trailing behind them in order to give them all their baths and ready for bed; since this process will take me at least an hour to complete. "Lou, why are mummy and daddy mean?" Phoebe asks as her and Daisy take their bath together while the younger two play on the bathroom floor. Starring at her for a moment trying to decide how to answer her and deciding honesty is the best answer; "I have no idea love, some people just are mean." Deciding the best course of action is to change the subject asking all of them; "Are you guys excited to start school tomorrow?" "Yesh!" Ernie and Doris answer immeditly with huge grins as Daisy and Phoebe nod eagerly. Finishing up Phoebe and Daisy's bath and draining the tub to refill it again for the littlest ones as I hold out a towel for each of the girls to dry off with as I help the littler ones undress. Placing them each in the tub after turning the water off and checking to make sure the water isn't to hot or cold. As I watch them play in the tub, Daisy and Phoebe dress and then brush through their long hair so it isn't tangled come morning. As I dry off Doris and Ernie after they've been washed, I have the oldest two brush their teeth as I diaper and dress the little ones before brushing their hair and helping them brush their teeth. Exiting the bathroom after letting the tub drain to enter Doris and Ernie's bedroom to tuck them in and read the four of them a story together before tucking Daisy and Phoebe in their beds in their room. Once all four of them are tucked in with their night lights on, leaving their doors partially open, I enter the bathroom to quickly clean before doing the same in the kitchen and starting the dishwasher before checking the door and windows to make sure all are locked before heading upstairs to my bedroom to grab pajamas to shower myself and head to bed. Lying on my bed with my blanket wrapped around myself tightly, starring at the wall as I lie on my side; letting my mind drift off into nothing so I can drift off in hopefully a peaceful and dreamless sleep.

The next morning, my alarm blares at 5:30; with a groan I turn the alarm off and grudgingly climbing out of my warm cacoon to stumble downstairs to the kitchen to make myself a pot of coffee. Once the coffee maker has made a full pot of warm cafinated goodness, I drink two full cups before bringing my third cup upstairs with me as I step into Phoebe and Daisy's room to gently wake them up after picking out their clothes for them on their first day of school. Once I know they're awake and dressing, I exit their room to dress in private while I wake Ernie and Doris; who will need help dressing. Sitting my coffee cup on their dresser out of their reach, I help Ernie dress first since he wanted help and Doris didn't but I'm sure I'll have to help her here in a moment.

Exiting Doris and Ernie's room to check on Daisy and Phoebe, finding them both dressed and leaving their room as the five of us head to the bathroom. Brushing their hair before leaving them to brush their teeth on their own as I make sure their bags for school are packed and ready to go. "Ready to head to school?" I ask making my voice excited even though I wasn't feeling that particular emotion. "Yeah!" all four voices cheerly respond as my siblings jump up and down in the living room. Smiling as brightly as I can at them as I help each one place their little backpacks over their arms before heading out of the house and toward the elementary school. Carrying Doris and holding Ernie's hand who is also holding Daisy's as Phoebe holds onto my jacket sleeve, we quickly make our way to the school, as I do not want them late for their day at school.

Entering the school building a few minutes later along with the rest of the parents, older siblings and sitters bringing in their own little ones to the classrooms. Finding the preschool room first since their classes start before the rest of the school. Finding the cubbies with Doris and Ernie's names on tags and showing them their names and helping them take their backpacks off and into the cubbies. Squatting down in front of them as Phoebe and Daisy hold onto my belt loops as I pull Doris and Ernie into a hug. Whispering to the two of them around the lump that has formed in my throat; "Have a wonderful day and I'll be back to pick you up when school is over." They hug me tightly whispering back; "Bye Lou, wove you too." Kissing them on the cheeks, before standing up to hold Phoebe and Daisy's hands as Ernie and Doris scamper off toward the alpahbet carpet where one of the three teachers is sitting with a few other students. "Lou!" Ernie's tearfilled voice hollers as I hear his little feet scampering behind us. Instantly turing around, dropping to my knees as Ernie throws his little body into mine. Wrapping my arms around his trembling body. "What's the matter little man?" I ask gently, already having an idea."You no leave," he sobs into my neck making me tighten my hold slightly on him. "I thought you wanted to go to school?" I ask him as I notice one of the teachers coming toward us with an understanding smile on her lips. "I do but you stay too," he hiccups. Pulling back slightly so we can see each others eyes, I smile lightly at him trying to convey support to him. "You'll love school with Doris and you won't want me around. You'll be sick of me and won't want me here at your school. I promise tonight when you and the girls are home, we'll play together and watch a movie before bedtime how does that sound?" Ernie stares at me for several seconds before reluctantly nodding as he hugs me tightly again. "Wove you," he says as he pulls away. "Love you too little man," I say with a bright smile; knowing now he will be fine.

Watching Ernie reenter his classroom and the teacher squat down with a bright smile to talk to him as her gaze meets mine with reassurance. Waving softly at her, I retake Phoebe's hand to walk them to their classroom, hoping that their transistion is smoother than Ernie's. Making it to their classroom, they find their lockers in the hallway and place their bags inside and shutting the door and walk inside the room still clutching my hands. The teacher and assistat teacher greet us with warm smiles and 'hello'. Glancing around the room taking in the warmth of the light yellowe painted walls that are decorated with posters of letters, shapes and colors. The teacher walks to us; "Hello and who are you two young ladies?" Instantly Phoebe and Daisy smile widely at her as Daisy is the first to speak; "I'm Daisy Marie Tomlinson." "Hello Daisy, it's very nice to meet you, I'm Miss Weston and who might you be?" she asks Phoebe, who is stuck to my side tightly. "Phoebe Tomlinson," she replies quietly, holding my hand tightly. "Nice to meet you too, Phoebe." "Alright girls, I'll see you both after school alright?" I ask softly hoping this goes well.

"Bye Lou-Lou,. Love you," the say in their twin-sync which sometimes is creepy. "Bye girls and I love you too." With that I walk out after the girls drop my hands to find their seats with the assistant teacher. Breathing deeply as I exit the school, heading toward the shops in search of a job and hope that by the time I pick the kids up from school, I will have one.

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