Tacos and Blackmail

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A/N: I've recently realized that the story doesn't quite match my original story idea and description, so I hope this chapter will steer towards it more, I guess?

We'd arrived in Denver, Colorado about a half hour ago and I was itching to get out and go for a walk, but Calum was in desperate need of sleep. Or, at least in his opinion.

"Come on Cal! I want to look around and maybe get some Starbucks. Or go to the zoo!" I exclaimed, looking at a tourist pamphlet that Patrick had thrown at me during our last stop.

"Why do you want to go to the zoo?" He whined from his spot cuddled up on the couch.

"They have goats...?" I answer as if its the most obvious thing in the world.

"You wouldn't even be able to walk there, we have a concert in a few hours. Well you know, maybe if you really tried..." Ashton rambled looking at the map of tourist attractions on the back of the pamphlet. 

"I'll just go to Taco Bell. Alone apparently." I grumble, putting on a jacket and heading for the front of the bus. Patrick gave me a small smile, adjusting his rectangular glasses.

"There's a Taco Bell down the road, I'll call if you need to send the national guard." He nods once and I head off the bus. 

Even with my sunglasses on my eyes had trouble adapting to the sudden harsh light, the Ogden Theatre blocked out most of the sun's view but it had managed to still blind me.

Today we're playing for a smaller crowd, its supposed to be on the down low that we arrived early and we managed to sneakily drive around back but the fact the we literally have no food beat out common sense.

>< >< >< >< 

I'd actually successfully made it in Taco Bell and sat down with my tacos before I was spotted.

They'd initiated a slightly less than calm conversation with me about our music tastes, it was going so well, I signed a few things with a sharpie they supplied, a second larger grup of teenage girls appeared and one made a snarky ass comment under her breath.

"Excuse me?" I ask politely, having heard Calum's name in there somewhere.

"Oh, I was just saying that I'm glad your out, I guess. But you're getting in the way of Calum and Luke's relationship, I could tell they were so close to finally making it public and then you come along and kiss Cal out of the blue! Like, honestly who does that?!" I honestly didn't know what to say, I almost spilled that Luke, in fact, is happily dating Ashton and he wasn't about to go public with Cal let alone Ash.

I sat there gaping like a fish until one of the girls from the crowd that approached me first spoke up. "Oh please! Did you not hear Calum confess he forced Michael into it? Management probably just forced them together for more publicity. Its obvious that Muke is real, even Luke said it one time."

I wanted to jump in and jokingly proclaim my love for Ashton but the arguing continued a bunch of hurtful comments were flying everywhere

"I think they're all straight and Michael's just a blackmailing whore!"

Well that escalated quickly.......

"What the hell are you talking about? Caston is liiiiiiffffeeeeeee!"

"I literally hate all of you, why are we even friends..."

"Michael, poor baby he was probably forced into some kind of love affair with two band members."

"What the fuck did he even do to his hair? It looks like the costume for that weirdo from Kim Possible."

"Muke is real!"

"Its kind of obvious Michael is going to die alone."

"Cake is the real deal."

"I ship Lashton hardcore. And I think Ashton would completely agree with me." An extremely fake shrill voice speaks up, effectively cutting the uproar off so the teenage girls could inspect the new member of their conversation. Luke cuts through the group and sits down next to me.

"Should have just gone to Starbucks." Luke sighs, stealing some nachos off my tray.

 "That settles it, Muke is a thing."One of the fans whispers while they all watch our every movement with wide, curious eyes.

Luke doesn't even blink, "Michael's like a brother to me, that's as far as our relationship will go. Scratch that, Michael is my brother, we're all like family. Whether its brother or boyfriend. Besides, Michael's already got a boyfriend and I'm in a relationship."

"Is that some twisted way of indirectly telling us that Muke is actually a thing?" A fan pipes up from the back of the crowd.

"Michael's dating Calum. I'm dating someone that's not Michael." Luke uses his hands to stress the separation of our relationships.

"That's not necessarily true..." I blurt out unintentionally, quickly slapping my hands over my mouth as soon as the words shot out.

Even Luke's jaw drops when the words register i his mind, he looks at me wide-eyed for an explanation.

"Calum never actually asked me out, we haven't even been on a date." I mumble, biting my lip because this is the kind of gossip everyone wants

"So basically, you just want to date Calum so you forced him into a relationship?"

"No that's not right, Calum's the one that outed them..." The teenage girls had all put on their thinking caps and going over details like they desperately needed to solve some mystery.

"Don't forget to factor in that Michael actually does like Cal and there is no Cake or Muke." Luke added in, being the math nerd he is.

I meant math whiz.

Don't lie to yourself Michael, we were both thinking it.

Keep in mind his mother's a math teacher. . . 

That's no excuse, do you want to be a math nerd?

If I can help Calum with math, yeah.

Do you want to be a math nerd?

If I can whisper complicated math problems to Cal while we engage in some healthy extr--

Now is not the time for Little Michael to spring out of the box!

A/N: Homework sucks dick. Not that I'm doing homework (even though I probably should be).

Robin does what he wants.

I always update at like one in the morning, I could be sleepin--WHAT THE HELL IS THAT WEIRD ASS CLICKING NOISE?! It stopped, but I have to go in that general direction to turn off the light. . . And suddenly sleeping with the light on sounds like such a great idea (ノʘ‿ʘ)ノ 

but yolo and shit, lets just bring a mirror with me on my way to turn off my light.

FUN FACT: I have nerdy posters in my room (Star Wars, Minecraft and Marvel)

FUN FACT: I made a new friend :D

FUN FACT: I really don't know what I'm doing with this fanfic rn. And its been going on longer than I expected but who's complaining, amirite?

LAME PICK-UP LINE: If you were a flower, you'd be a DAMNdilion!

You can put your favourite pick-up line below if you'd like ^~^

Have a lovely day?

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