Chapter 12

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Tikki's POV:

"It's you."

"Huh?" I asked in confusion.

"You're the lost kwami. The kwami of creation!" Trixx said still surprised.

"Wait, it can't be!" I looked at the dream catcher that I am holding and my vision became black and white.

"Is it just me or the world is black and white?" I said and looked at the surroundings. I looked at the doorway and it suddenly blinked in red and black spots.

"It's the lucky vision! I've heard about it before. When the user uses lucky charm, its vision become black and white and everything that blinks in red and black spots is part of the lucky charm." She explained.

"Oh." I simply respond. I looked back at the dream catcher and it blinks. I looked at Trixx's table with thumb tacks and it also blinks.

"I think we have a new decoration here." I said and put the dream catcher in the upper middle of the doorway with thumb tacks.

"Yeah and it's cute." Trixx said and went beside me.

"Let's go to sleep. We still have class tomorrow."


Trixx and I went early to class. I greeted them good mornings before going to my seat.

"What's with the smile?" Pollen asked looking at me.

"N-Nothing.." I replied. It's just I'm happy that I already discovered my ability but I have to keep it a secret for now. Only Trixx knows about it.

"I know, I'm irresistable my lady----ow!"Plagg didn't finished his statement and I cutted him with my yoyo hitting his head.

"Just shut up." I hissed.

After our class, Trixx and I went to our locker to get some stuff.

"Trixx, can I have a favor?" I asked while fixing my things in my locker.

"Sure." She said leaning her back in the locker beside me.

"About last night, can you keep it a secret?" I said and closed my locker.

"What? You can't hide about that one forever! They will know it soon." She said.

"I know but I'm just shy about it but I'll tell them soon." I said.

"Tell us what?" A voice interrupted us.

"Plagg, how dare you eveasdrop in our conversation." I said while my hands in my hips.

"What are you gonna tell us? That how much you love me? I already know." He said leaning closer to me with a smirk in his face. Ugh, that annoying smirk.

"I'm going to wipe off that smirk in your face, Plagg."

"Really?" His smirk grew wider and leaned closer to me. I looked down and I saw his staff in his hip. I quickly snatched it and smacked it in his head.

"Ouch!" He groaned in pain and rubbed the area where I hit the staff.

"Alright lovebirds, that's enough. We should keep going cat." Trixx said and pulled me away to him.

"Why didn't you do anything?" I hissed at her.

"Why would I interrupt such a sweet moment?" She said looking at me with a teasing smile.

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