(6)Brilliant Plan

Start from the beginning

Not at all.

The limo came to a halt, and Leigh noticed that they were at home. She had been trying to keep an optimistic view point of the McFarroll mansion. After all, it was now her home. Yet, it didn't feel like a home. When she walked through the doors, she didn't smell her mother's sweet spices from a day of baking. She didn't hear the television echoing throughout the house displaying a great debate like her father would have it. There was no annoyance such as her little brother as he would run all over the house in frenzy motions, and there was no Nora to constantly insult her presence. No, all there was in the McFarroll mansion was eerie silence. The place was big enough for a whole football team's family to live there and not have to run into each other once. And even though it was well decorated and nice, it did become lonesome; especially, when Jason was gone for an entire week.

"After you," Jason said, his voice cutting through the awkward silence rather abruptly. He opened the door and motioned for her to exit. Hesitantly, she crossed over him and got out of the limo. His firm hand went to the small of Leigh's back to help her out, and she couldn't help but to take in a shallow breath. She was clearly psyching herself out about the whole situation. She didn't know what was to come when they entered the mansion and went into the confinements of their room, and it scared her shitless.

She tried not to look at him as he got out of the car. Leigh had to admit that he wasn't exactly making it easy for her to not develop feelings for him. If she had to be honest, she would say that he was one of the most attractive men she had ever seen, and it seemed as if his good looks just came naturally. She followed him into the house, her eyes raking his body and how his jeans would get tighter in all of the right places with every single step he took. Even though he was wearing a tux, it was evident that he had nice arms. His shoulders were broad and prominent. His arse was lifted and firm.

Oh yeah, she had it real bad.

She was so lost in the way his muscles clenched with every step, that she didn't even realize that she was now walking out of the elevator and coming face to face with their room. A small gasp left her mouth as she took the scene in. Jason's room was already impressive -especially with all of the nice decor- but, it seemed to be flawless now. The lights were off, with candles lining the shelves on the wall and the nightstand. Her nose inhaled and she could smell the tropical stench of Hawaiian breeze. Music was what she heard next, and she couldn't help but smile. It was clear that Jason had tried to make this moment romantic, and he was good. The voice of the singer Adam Levine flowed through the home speakers.

She was surprised that he actually knew that that was one of her favorite singers without her telling him. Of course, he knew she wasn't a fan of classical music, so it was good that she was hearing Adam Levine rather than the ladder. Leigh took note of the messy bed, from when she didn't make it up this morning. She was glad that Jason hadn't bothered to make up the bed. The moment seemed more real with the fabricated covers peeled back, and the bed seemed more alluring than ever. What she did find odd was that instead of scattered flower pedals, there were tiny strips of leather. She had to assume that they once were on a whip, but was torn off for this specific reason.

It was then when the realization had hit her. This was really happening. She was really about to have some sort of intercourse with Jason McFarroll.

"Is everything to your liking?" Jason asked. She turned towards him and noticed that he was slowly taking off his tuxedo jacket. She wanted to gush and exclaim how perfect the room turned out, but instead she nodded her head in a subtle way.

"It's impressive," she managed to say, her voice sounding calm and cool; which was completely the opposite of how she actually felt. The corners of his lips tugged upwards as he gazed at her. He was keeping his distance, which was strange to Leigh. She was wondering what was taking him so long. By now, if she was in the exact same situation with her ex, he would have been jumped her bones.

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