You wanted so badly for something interesting to happen. It helped you to not to miss home so much.

Though you couldn't go visit. It would only make you depressed. Ratchet knew exactly why. 

Surprisingly he was great to confide in and respected any wish for secrecy. Only a few knew of the truth. 

You wanted to keep it that way

You checked your phone. You only had one to contact ratchet, fowler, or your three only friends. 

You noticed the time. 

It was close to when jack and raf would have came back from school, miko was in detention more times than not.

You were exceptionally close to miko. You both were spontaneous and wild. You don't like always being under authority and love to get out and go on missions. You both also sneak out a lot and have a problem with getting into trouble. 

You got up and stretched, you didn't want ratchet to notice you disappeared again and freak out.

You walked through the tunnel and saw that everyone was already there. 


"Where have you been!" Ratchet demanded upon your arrival.

You shrugged, "out taking a walk."

Ratchet nearly threw a fit before Optimus had to calm him down. 

You had to give old ratch some credit. As much as he will deny it, he really cared for you and always wants to make sure you're safe.

You dismissed yourself to your "room" and the other bots went to do what they were assigned or wanted.

You lied on your bed and listened to your music as you watched the ceiling. 

Soon enough your eyes closed and you fell asleep.


You woke up and rubbed your eyes groggily.

You checked the time. You slept through the afternoon and now it was late night/early morning.

You grumpily got up and walked out to the main area of the base to find every bot circling around the medical berth.

You walked up, seeing what the commotion was about.

Once you could see you instantly stopped in your tracks.

You looked at the familiar and grumpy bot on the berth.

"Hey, take it easy doc, I need that arm." 

You stopped your jaw from dropping. Wheeljack? Your mind instantly registering him.

You came closer but ratchet stopped you and shook his helm. You stomped your foot in agitation in his servo. "Seriously?" You growled

Wheeljack glanced your way as he spoke to the others.

It has been awhile since you saw the rogue bot last.

Then a very familiar voice filled your ears.

"Prime!" Here we go again, you had to groan in your mind as agent fowler yelled at Optimus and wheeljack for their damages. 

You felt uneasy when wheeljack got in fowlers face. Fearing he wouldn't be afraid to hurt any human, including yourself. All the while ratchet seemed to hold you a little closer to himself in a protective manner.

Wheeljack stormed off and bulkhead went after him. 

You were about to jump off ratchets servo when he stopped you by grabbing you in midair.

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