"WAIT!!!" She screamed, but it seemed that today was really the worst day for Chaeyeon. The bus left before she could reach it. "What's a worst day?" She panted and was wet because of the rain. The rain poured heavily on her hair, making it damp. She breathed in and out slowly to calm her breathing. She had to wait 15 minutes for the next bus.

Chaeyeon walked into the convenience store around 7 PM. Inside, she saw Mr Kim doing Chaeyeon's job as the cashier. She quickly bowed. "I'm sorry. This is my fault." She apologized without meeting her boss's eyes. She ran to the locker room and change into her uniform.

"The next time, inform us if you're late. This is the first and the last time, okay?" Mr Kim spoke in a serious, intimidating tone. Chaeyeon just bowed until he left her. She only hoped that nothing bad will happen, this was already too much.

"Welcome." Chaeyeon bowed at three guys in a black hoodie who were walking behind a guy with a blue t-shirt. Chaeyeon was tidying up the stuff on a stall when she heard something that she not supposed to.

"Please, don't buy too many things. I don't have a lot of money." Chaeyeon didn't mean to overhear what one of the men was begging.

The brunette could feel a kind of tension. She noticed how the black hoodie guys were intimidating the blue t-shirt guy. "Something is going on. Not a good sign." She walked to her cashier and got ready in case something bad happened. She grabbed the emergency alarm and put it near her.

Chaeyeon saw them walking towards her. She couldn't help but be nervous. The hoodie guy brought several bottles of soju. The blue t-shirt guy walked with his head down, he was sweating even though it wasn't hot there. Chaeyeon saw blood dropping on the floor. It was from the blue t-shirt's elbow. Chaeyeon couldn't hide her shocked face when she noticed the blood. The taller black hoodie guy looked at her and smirked. He wiped the blood drop with his right shoe. He deeply stared into Chaeyeon's eyes when she made eye contact with him. He gestured to Chaeyeon to shut up. She knew that she had to press the emergency button, but she wasn't going to. She had promised herself to never intervene the into others' business.

"There is blood there. Should I press the emergency button? No. What if I got in trouble after this? But there is blood there. What the fuck is wrong with today? Shit keeps happening." Chaeyeon was having a fight with her inner self, scanning the things. "Come on, do something Chaeyeon. Just press that God damn button." She glanced at the emergency button. "Thank you for shopping here. Have a nice day." Chaeyeon bowed her head, faking a smile. The taller black hoodie guy glanced at her with the same smirk on his lips, his face telling that he won and he was proud of it. "I'm not gonna regret this. Nope. I'll never ever regret this. This is not my fault. I'm not the one who was bullying him also he didn't ask help from me." Chaeyeon pinched her nose bridge and grabbed her bottle to drink. She just hoped that the time was faster. She just wanted to go home and sleep.

"Damn it. I forgot to eat my lunch!" Chaeyeon facepalmed. She couldn't believe that she just noticed it because her stomach groaned loudly. She ate, waiting for the customer to finish their errand. She had made an omelet and a chicken katsu for her lunch. She put aside her bento when the customers came to her. She scanned the groceries and looked at another customer who just went into the store.

"Welcom-" The brunette stopped suddenly when she cast a glance outside. Her eyes grew bigger at the sight of a familiar face, a middle length-haired girl who was standing in front of the store. She was just beside a car, playing her little finger.

"Hey?" The customer waved and tried to wake up Chaeyeon who were frozen there.

"Ah... I'm sorry." Chaeyeon continued to scan the groceries, but she couldn't focus on her work. "Is she alone? Why was she standing there? Is she waiting for someone? Should I approached her and talk to her? But what if she didn't recognize me? What if she thinks I'm trying to harm her? What if-" Her thoughts were running wild on her mind. Unfortunately, something happened while she was gazing out.

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