12- Guys are... Stupid

Start from the beginning

"Then explain why he had two brooms and dustpans."

I opened my mouth to respond, only to curse under my breath. Yoongi seemed to catch my mumbling and moved a little closer to my side.

"So did you two make out?"

My eyes widened at Yoongi as I felt myself growing flustered again, "Wh-what'd you just say?"

"I said did you two make up?" Yoongi repeated with raised eyebrows as I closed my eyes in relief. My overactive brain was making me hear things... I couldn't wait for this feeling to go away. I don't know why I was such a bumbling idiot after Jungkook and I...

As if I wasn't flustered enough, my brain decided to take this time to remind myself of what Taehyung had made me promise to him the other night...

"Ari?" Yoongi spoke as I jumped and started nodding.

"Oh! Uh- yeah. We talked it out and now we hate each other a little less," I responded as Yoongi took a deep breath. I could tell that something was still bothering him, but he didn't voice any of it.

"That's good," he nodded, ending the conversation there, much to my delight. The rest of our walk was very silent, and I was relieved to say the least.

"Well," I sighed and stopped walking when I got to my car, "I guess I'll see you tomorrow? You're cleaning with me, right?"

Yoongi nodded and sent me a soft smile as he started backing away to his car. "Be prepared, because it's us two and Jungkook." He had a slightly teasing smile on his face as he said that, only for it to turn into a slightly worried look, "I should probably be saying that to myself, not you."

"We'll be okay," I laughed as I moved closer to my car, "Bye Yoongi!"

He waved at me as I got into my car, "Bye."


To my relief, Taehyung wasn't home for the evening. He texted me to say Hana, his manager, had asked him to come in after Jennie stormed out of the building mid-shift. I spent the afternoon on into the evening pacing around the empty apartment, cleaning any spot of dust or food I noticed as I did so. I decided to take a walk to the dumpster with any ounce of trash I could see, even daring to poke my head into Jungkook and Taehyung's rooms.

Taehyung's was a nightmare. He had a few cans of beer and energy drinks scattered throughout the space, clothes of unknown status strewn on his floor, and his trash didn't look like it had been taken out since he moved in!

I got to work, gathering all of his clothes as I held my breath, and shoving them into the washing machine on the end of the kitchen. The trash filled up two large black bags, and a few crusty dishes wound up soaking in the sink as I vacuumed crumbs and bugs out of his carpet.

It took me so long to tidy up the space that I dreaded entering Jungkook's. Taehyung's room looked more presentable, and all that was left to clean were the things I didn't dare touch. I glared at Jungkook's door with contempt, channeling all of the negative energy from today into entering his room for the final boss.

With a deep breath, I twisted the doorknob and closed my eyes. I hadn't stepped in his room since he moved in, just like I hadn't with Taehyung's, and I braced myself for the worst.

The moment I stepped in and blindly reached for the light switch, I was assaulted with all his best smells—his cologne, shampoo, deodorant—almost like he'd coated his entire room with it before leaving for his shift.

I opened my eyes as the light turned on, and I stilled. His floors were spotless and well kept. All of his laundry was hanging in his closet, and his empty suitcases were neatly stacked underneath them. An air freshener was plugged into the outlet next to his organized desk, and his trash can was completely empty. A few unopened sports drinks were tucked under his bed, along with snacks of his that were never in their correct home in the pantry. His bed was also made, something even I didn't do.

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