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"Why exactly do we care about PAC-MAN, anyways?"

"Roy, if it were your arrival anniversary, wouldn't you want people to come?" Robin replied with a question of her own.

"Maybe the first time." Roy shrugged. "But why does he have to have a party every year? It's not like it's his birthday (which he also has a party for, every year)."

Robin sighed. "Maybe the guy just likes getting the gang together outside of tournaments. Has that thought ever crossed your mind? That there's more to us than just fighting?"

Roy thought for a moment. "No."

"Of course it hasn't." Robin sighed, shaking her head. "You and Ike and those other guys are all the same. Violence, violence, violence."

"Yeah, well, at least we're getting stronger and bettering ourselves." Roy said, stopping and crossing his arms. "All you do is sit around and read."

Robin stopped as well, turning around to face Roy with a hint of anger in her expression. "I'm sorry? I'm studying spells and incantations, not just 'reading.' There can be more to fighting than just brute force, Roy. There can be a little creativity. You should try it sometime."

Roy chuckled, drawing his sword. "You wanna see some creativity, huh? I'll show you just how creative I can be!"

Robin smirked, producing a tome from her robes. "Bring it on! I can't wait to see your mastery of the art of flailing your sword about!"

Roy charged at Robin, sword gripped tight. Just as he was about to strike his first blow, however, Robin held up a hand. "Stop," she ordered. "Quiet."

"Really?" Roy sighed unhappily. "You can't just do that to me!"

"Shut up!" Robin glared at him. "Listen."

Roy rolled his eyes, but remained silent. After a moment, he began to hear something. It sounded like...a galloping horse.

Which, it turned out, was exactly what the sound was. A beautiful chestnut steed with a pure white mane emerged from the forest onto the path that Roy and Robin were taking to the Smash Mansion where PAC-MAN's party was being held. The horse was carrying Link and Zelda, the former pulling the reigns so his horse would slow to a halt beside the two pedestrians.

"Ah, Zelda," Roy nodded to Link, before turning and bowing to the actual Zelda. "Your Highness."

Zelda giggled as Link rolled his eyes. "Hello, Roy," she said.

"Idiot," Robin breathed, slapping her companion. "That's Link. Your princess's name is Zelda."

"Ah! Forgive me!" Roy cried, throwing himself in the dirt.

"You're forgiven," Zelda laughed. "This happens all the time. We're used to it."

Link grumbled something to himself.

"Well, please excuse us," Zelda said to Robin. "A princess must never be late to a party!"

"Of course," Robin smiled, bowing her head.

"Hyah!" Link shouted, spurring his horse into action. They sped away, leaving a new layer of dirt on Roy, who was still laying on the ground.

As they rode away, Zelda frowned. "You were being very rude back there, Link. You'd best not act like this all day."

"Well excuse me, Princess," Link grouched. "After so many years of being around these people, one would think they'd get our names straight by now."

"Calm yourself, Link. There's no need to get angry over such a matter."

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