Part 7 - Tentative First Steps

Start from the beginning

"Oh, just a boatload of awkwardness," she replied. "You and me, eh?"

"Yeah, you and me, Angel."

She smiled a little at that. "I don't have a clue as to how to get it all started."

"I do," he said, "but you'll need to follow me over, uh, here." He walked a lot closer to the viewing window.

"And what's so special about right over here?" Karin asked.

"It's where I'm gonna kiss you for the first time."

"In front of all these people?"

"Would someplace else be better?"

"Well, yeah," she said, "and I think Bree's on duty."

"Your roommate?" She nodded. "You ready to take me to your quarters?" he asked, a little anxious.

"Yeah," she said, "look, Josh, I don't normally move this fast. But I know we work out. So, um, whaddaya say?"

"I say this party is lame. No offense to Masterson. Let's get outta Dodge."

As they left, Ethan turned to Andy and said, "No time like the present, eh?"

"I guess not," Andrew replied. "I can barely think up what to say to Shelby that isn't work-related."

"You'll think of something, man."


When the second shift arrived for their own version of the party, similar scenes played out. Pilot Chris Harris sat by himself. He wasn't interested in anyone, male or female.

José Torres came in from Engineering, and Lucas Donnelly from Tactical. They stood, awkwardly, looking at the passing parade. Maryam Haroun came in, and so did Ramih Azar. He got her a cola and looked at her. "It appears you chose Azar Hamidi over me," he said.

"I read my logs," she replied, tugging nervously on her hijab. "I had asked Doctor Phlox to assist me with the decision. At home," she paused a little. The word made her choke up a bit, as it did to all of them, "well, at home my parents would choose. It appears I treated the doctor a bit like my own father."

"I am certain he did the right thing for you," replied Ramih. "My wife was Nanette Myers. She converted to Islam and we dated. Or perhaps we dated a bit first. It is somewhat unclear."

"And our children married each other," Maryam looked down, "It is so strange to speak of those who have not yet been conceived."

"I believe Phlox made the best possible choice for you," said Ramih, "and so I will not push it and try for you. Is that all right? Or would you prefer it if I were to go after you, and court you?"

She blanched. "Uh, no, no thank you. It seems best for me to go with Azar, and for you to be with, with Nanette." She got out of there as quickly as possible.

Lucas looked up when Navigator Preston Jennings entered the room. He came over. "Second verse, same as the first?" he asked.

"You mean you and me? Uh, I was thinking about Todd."

"And I was thinking about Constantine," Lucas admitted, "but here we are."

"Yeah, here we are, I guess." They left together as about half of the MACO contingent looked on.


By the time the day shift got their crack at the party, the music on Chip's playlist had completely veered away from contemporary music. Instead, it was older tunes, such as Jan and Dean.

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