Chapter Fourteen

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Lori's POV

I couldn't open my eyes after the gunfire. My face was still blue and I could hardly breathe I was crying so hard. He's dead! He's Fucking Dead! No! No! Noooo! I screamed in my head. I felt a gentle tapping on my arm, My eyes opened. My face regained color and air went back into my lungs, my jaw dropped. Mike was standing with the gun in his hand and the main drug lord on the floor in the hallway bleeding out. I smiled and was laughing hysterically, the kids were cheering and rushed over to wrap their arms around him. I was crying again but crying with tears of joy!, Mike was laughing now as he held both kids tightly in his arms. Ashley stood up from the corner and took at deep breath of relief. I started clapping my hands and I jumped up off the bed and joined the family group hug. We won! We did it! It's all over! I thought while burying my face in Mike's neck and feeling him kiss me. We heard sirens outside, "Oh thank god!" Ashley said, "I'm glad you're all okay! And thank you Mike and Lori for saving me" she finishes. The police were entering the house now and they spotted all five of us in the bedroom in a group hug, "Is everyone alright in here?" The cop asks, we all nod and answer yes. The cop looks down at the drug lord, "Well I'll be damned! You guys actually managed to kill this son of a bitch!? Thank God for that!" The cop said while calling in paramedics and the coroner. The five of us just remain in a group hug so relieved that all of us were safe...and together. Mike had taken us all outside away from all the blood and dead bodies inside. Ashley was getting looked at by paramedics just to play it safe as well as the rest of us. The head chief of the police department came over to Mike, "I gotta say...yesterday afternoon when you're little girl went missing none of us including you guys had any idea where they were and it was gonna take a lot of work to find found her within hours! I got a lot of respect for you Mike Vitar! You're a brave man" the chief shakes Mike's hand and Pats him on the back. Mike turns and faces me, "Didn't I promise you it was gonna be okay?" He says, I smile and blush...he leans in towards me and we kiss. Not just a quick kiss and done type of thing, it was a long meaningful and yes...HOT kiss. The kids giggled and said, "Ooooooh!" Mike and I turn and smile at them and Mike even rolls his eyes playfully at them. It's finally over! We can all lead a normal life now, and I no longer need to hold onto the past. It was high time this family moved on to an even happier existence.

8 Months Later

Mike's POV

We had finished packing the rest of our stuff and hauled it off to our new location. The family and I were headed to Washington State. We were all starting over in a new state, Lori needed that, the kids needed that...I needed that. Before leaving the old house, James and Elise turn and look at it one more time, they both smile at each other. Lori closes the tailgate on the truck connected to a U-Haul box, "Alright ready?" Lori asks. The three of us turn and face her, "Yeah...we're ready" I say. All of us jump in the truck, look at the house just one final time. I started the engine...and we drove off to the West...toward the sunset.

Lori's POV

Twenty-One years ago when Mike had quit acting and came here to start a normal life. I never thought that first day seeing him at school that he would be my husband and father of our children. I loved this man so much! I loved our children so much! Three of the most important people in my entire life were with me in that truck and just as ready as I was to begin a new life together. Goodbye Illinois.

The End❤❤

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