Chapter Seven

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Lori's POV

Mike, James, and I had stayed up for the remainder of the night. Finally 7:30 in the morning came around and Elise was the last one up. Walking out into the living room with her eyes half open and her hair a hot mess, crawls up on Mike's lap and lies in his arms for a few minutes. I smile and watch as Mike takes her in his arms and plants several kisses on top of her head. Mike playfully tazers her with his fingers on her sides making Elise giggle and Mike laugh. He stops and gives her another kiss, "I love you baby girl" he says, Elise smiles, "I love you too daddy" she replies. Watching this scene between Mike and Elise I felt my heart melting, Don't cry! Don't cry! I think to myself as Mike tells Elise to get dressed and her hair brushed. Elise goes on her way to dress herself, she comes back out a few moments later with a hairbrush and hands it to me. Elise sits down on the floor and I sit on the couch right behind her and brush her hair. James had come walking out yawning since the three of us had been up since four o'clock this morning. I laugh a little, "Tired James?" I ask playfully, James raises his eyebrows and then lowers them instantly, "Mmhmm" he replies. Mike and I both laugh at his response and James plops himself on the couch next to me.

James' POV

Even though I was beyond tired at this point in time I couldn't help but let a smile appear on my face while sitting next to mom. Mom was in a great mood, Dad was in an equally great mood, and Elise is just waking up but otherwise also in a decent mood. I loved seeing my family like this, happy, no fighting, no seeing mom and dad in their crazy moods. I hoped it stayed like this all day today, with nothing triggering mom (whatever that may be) which will also trigger dad. This day is off to a great start...I hope that proceeds.
    Eight o'clock rolled around and Elise and I gave mom and dad hugs. I then took Elise by the hand and together we walked to the bus stop. About an hour later the bell had rung to go to class, Elise and I took our separate ways at this point since she was in a third grade class and me in a fourth grade class. Once I entered my classroom my teacher was writing on the whiteboard with an expo erase marker the things we were doing in class today.

Today's Schedule
#1. Study for five minutes for your History test today

#2. When you are finished turn your test in to me.

#3. Please sit quietly at your desk and read a book.

It was history test day! I love this subject, I know I'll do great! I thought as I took my seat at my desk. I pulled out my history textbook and my notes that I stuffed inside and began reading over them. A few minutes into studying I felt a light nudge on my arm followed by a whisper. The whisper and nudge came from this really pretty girl I've always liked that sat next to me. Her name was Tessa Brown and I've had the hots for her since the second grade!. She then whispered to me, "Can I look at your notes please...I forgot mine because I was in a hurry this morning" I smile and hand her my notes and she smiles, "Thanks" she whispers. I look back at my textbook and can't help but blush...and smile. I knew she would see both in my face, which is why I kept facing down toward my textbook. A few more moments passed and I heard the teacher right between Tessa and I standing in the little isle created by the seating of all the desks. She looks down at Tessa, "Why that's not your paper Miss Brown, that's Mr. Vitar's paper! What are you doing with it? Where's your notes!?" The teacher asked sternly but gently. Tessa stuttered for a moment, "I-I was in a rush this morning and I was studying last night but then left my notes and book on my desk..." she said almost in a scared tone. I wanted to say something to defend her but I couldn't bring myself to do it, Coward! I thought in my head. The teacher gave her narrowed eyebrows and puckered her lips in that way a mother would look at her child before disciplining them. I saw Tessa gulp, "Well next time be sure to bring your own notes, Mr. Vitar was very generous in letting you borrow them" she said before turning and heading for the front of the class. Tessa handed me my notes back with a nervous smile on her face, "Thanks" she said. I smile and nod, "Anytime!" I reply gleefully. The teacher walked around with a big stack of packets in her hand while passing them out, "Alright notes and textbooks away class, the test is out so please simmer down and stop talking, you have fifty minutes to complete this test all of the material should be fairly familiar considering we've been over all of it several times together as a class, you may begin and good luck!" She finishes as she passes out the last test and takes her seat at her desk. I examine the questions on the front page, Looks pretty simple! Piece of cake! I thought as I read the first question. Question #1: In what year was the declaration of independence written? I put down 1776. This test wasn't gonna be a problem at all.

Elise's POV

Recess had just started for the first through third graders. I sat on the swing set and kicked the little pebbles of rocks around. Far off on the other side of the school field I noticed a man wandering around by the fence. Next to him was the entrance to actually enter the field of the school. I jumped off the swing set and moved closer so I could get a better look at him. What on earth was he doing? I thought, I moved a little closer. The man suddenly made eye contact with me and gave me a friendly smile. He beckoned me with his hand to come toward him and I was very hesitant. I didn't move, then he pulled a photo from his pocket. It was a photo of daddy, not thinking anymore about what this guy was doing I began walking toward him more quickly. How does he know my dad!? Does he work with daddy? I hope it isnt something bad! I began to panic a little as I thought about my dad, I hoped he was okay. Clearly this guy was trying to tell me something had happened. Once I made it to the fence I stayed away from the entrance gate. The man smiled at me warmly on the other side of the chain link fence, "Hi! I wanted to let you know that your daddy is in a bit of trouble sweetie, I think you should come with me because he said he wanted you to" he says. I back away from the fence a little bit, "My daddy says I shouldn't ever go with strangers, how am I supposed to believe you?" I ask the man. He smiles warmly again, he looked like he was in his mid thirties with a black beard and short hair and sleeveless shirt and black jeans, "Well I have this picture of him...this is your daddy? Isn't it?" He asks. I nod, "Uh-huh" I say quietly, the man smiles once more, "Sweetheart there is no need to be won't be in trouble and you'll be safe I promise" he says. He began walking toward the fence opening and I stood frozen. The other kids and the supervisors were far off in the distance. I thought about turning around and making a run for it but I figured the man would catch me anyways, that and I literally couldn't move because I was so freaked out. Next thing I knew the man grabbed hold of my firmly and covered my mouth so I couldn't scream for the supervisors to help me. I kicked at him and clawed at his face when finally he threw me inside his van and sped off. I banged on the tinted windows, screaming, as we got further and further away from the school.

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