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Everyone in the class stared at me and then Squid came into the room even though he was naked and started begging me to take him back.

"Stampy, it's not what you think!" Squid screamed sadly.

My friend Amy Lee 33 smiled at me understatedly. She flipped her long waste-length gothic black hair and opened her green eyes. She had pale white skin that she was wearing white makeup on. Amy Lee was kidnapped when she was born. Her real parents are bugs and one of them is a vegan but non vegans killed her mother and her father committed suicide because he was depressed about it. She still has nightmares about it and she is very haunted and depressed.

"What is it that you desire, you ridiculous dimwit!" Youtube demeaned angrily in its cold voice but I ignored it.

"Ash, I can't believe you cheated on me with Squid!" I shouted at him.

Everyone gasped.

I don't know why Stampy was so mad at me. I had went out with Stampy (I'm bi and so is Stampy) for a while but then he broke my heart. He dumped me because he liked some stupid basic fucker. We were just good friends now. He had gone through horrible problems, and now he was a gamer. (Haha, like I would hang out with a non gamer.)

"But I'm not going out with Squid anymore!" said Ash.

"Yeah fucking right! Fuck off, you googlie!" I screamed. I ran out of the room and into the Forbidden Podcast where I had lost my virility to Squid and then I started to bust into tears. 

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