Living The Not So Fabulous Life

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Lea's POV

I sat at the corner as the cars sped pass me. I shouldnt be sitting so close to the road. It's dangerous, but there's no point in caring. My mom passed away a couple of weeks ago. I also don't know who my dad is. He didnt want me at birth. I actually have never even met my dad before. I only know him from this one picture my mom showed me.

Anyways, I couldn't stay at that house anymore. It had too many memories of my mom. I tried to, but every time i walked past her room i fell into a ball and poured my eyes out. I also dont have any family to live with. They are either dead, i dont know them, or are too broke to care for me. And the foster home was not an option.

So I'm here, sitting at the corner of a busy road, watching the cars zoom by. They are probably going home to loved ones and hot food and warm clothing. I have nothing, literally. I left all my things at the house. All of my things had mom's scent, i couldn't bare it. I guess there is no hope. No one cares for me. I dont have anyone to express my problems to. I should just walk out into the road. No one would care. My father definitely wouldn't.

I stood up and took in my surroundings. High trees that hugged the sky and the sun setting in the horizon. To my left were some apartments and to my right was a long narrow road leading to a variety of stores. It was beautiful, even if it wasnt alot. But, you cant trust your eyes. Nothing is beautiful here. Everything is either pain or sorrow. People are getting shot back to back.

Then, i heard a swoosh close to me. I could feel the sting on my ear. Its that time. During this time, there are groups of men who come out for their usual. They rob, kill, and steal from innocent people.

I should get going so that I won't get caught up. I run across the street to some trees to get away from being seen. They saw me, I just know they did.

Crunch, Snap.

They're coming. I can hear the crunch of leaves under their boots. They are coming for me. When they find me and see that I dont have anything that they can take from me then they'll surely shoot me without a doubt.

"I saw her run over here" Said a muffled voice

They probably had their masks on.

"We cant let her leave. She probably spotted us before we put on our mask." Said another voice

"Leave It! Your talking will surely get us caught. Now shut up!" Said an extremely deep voice

Right then and there I wanted to fall down and cry. He seems so mean and cruel just from his voice. Imagine if I saw him. But, the voice sounded slightly familiar, I just can't remember from where.

"Let''s Go" They said together

After they left I waited for a few minutes. It seemed like hours. Finally, i built enough courage to look past my shoulder to see the cars zooming down the road. I got up quickly and ran as fast as I could. I ran into the complex across the street and walked through the door by the gate. Honestly, I dont know where Im going.

I ran until i got to one of the apartment entrances. I sat on the bottom steps and took a deep breath. That was alot of running.

I heard someone coming so I quickly hid under the steps. A man walked down and i stared at him. He was gorgeous. He had a body, I mean a reaaaaal nice body. i could see his muslces poking out of his white v-neck. He had bushy hair, well, afro and it was neatly wild, if that's possible. His blue jeans fit him perfectly along with his Jordans and exquiste eyes. He was handsome alright.

Far Away Princeton Love Story [COMPLETED & UNEDITED]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon