➵ Ryan Ross - Wrong Number

Start from the beginning

I was brought out of my thoughts by my phone buzzing again. There was no way Ryan wanted to continue our small conversation, right? I picked up my phone anyway and sure enough Ryan's name was at the top of my notifications. I decided I might as well text him whilst on my way into town to check out some of his songs.

I plugged in my earphones and left my house as I opened up Ryan's message.

All settled!
The glitter is on its way
What are you up to at the moment?
Sorry, I don't have to keep messaging you if you don't want me to x

It's fine, I don't mind :)
I just finished my essay that I was working on so I'm free for a while

That's good! I hope you do well on it :)

I smiled at his message as I walked lazily down the street, slowly approaching the record and CD store.

Why thank you Ryan x
Anyways, tell me about yourself

What do you want to know?


I sent my message quickly before tucking my phone away to cross the road, simultaneously humming quietly along to a Fall Out Boy song that had found its way onto my shuffle.
As I entered the small shop I opened my phone again to a few more messages from Ryan

Well I'm 20 years old and living in Vegas, Nevada. I'm in a band with my friends Brendon, Jon, and Spencer and we released our album, A Fever You Can't Sweat Out, last year.
I play guitar and sing backing vocals in the band, I have brown hair, pale skin and brown eyes and I'm quite tall.
Um, I really like song writing and makeup I guess
That's not weird is it? That I'm into makeup?

You live in Vegas? No way! Me too!!
And I'm 19 years old, I'm not in a band although that does sound pretty cool :)
I like playing the piano I guess, I know how to play a couple of instruments but I'm not a pro or anything, I have Y/HC hair, Y/SC skin and I'm Y/H. I study Y/FS at college too
And I totally respect you being into makeup, no worries :)

I looked over the messages again and thought Ryan seemed like a pretty cool guy. It was cute that he was into makeup too, plus it was quite fortunate that he was my age and lived in Las Vegas as well - a really happy coincidence.
I scanned the isles in search for "A Fever You Can't Sweat Out" by "Panic! At The Disco". I wasn't going to lie, they sounded really cool.

My phone buzzed again.

You live in Vegas? Seriously? You should come see us perform some time! Maybe then I could meet you too :)

I struggled to keep my smile to myself as I hid my face behind one of the shelves. He wanted to meet me?!
My eyes scanned the rack of discs in front of me before I glanced back down to my phone to reply.

I'd love to see you guys in concert one day :) I'm just trying to find one of your CDs right now actually - that way I can find out if you're as good as you say you are ;)

Really? Next time we're playing here I'll send you a ticket x
And thanks for actually checking us out, I hope you can find us okay

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