"Uhhh what song should we sing..." "Hmm how about one from Music Fever." "No way I wanted to do one of Deku's songs!" Pinky and Pikachu were arguing over what song they were going to sing together. "This place is so lame." "Come on Bakubro it's not that bad. Maybe you should go up and sing something for everyone." "Hell no!" "Ha I guess Deku was right your too scared." Elbows teased at me. "I'm not fucking scared!" I got up from my seat and was about to go up and request a song to sing when I saw someone. "Shit." I say while quickly seating back down. "What's the matter, are you chickening out?" Elbows said while acting like a chicken. "No! And stop fucking doing that!" "Then whats wrong?" I glance over to where the greenette had taken his seat. He was seating at a table with some purple haired guy. I look back at my friends to see them all smiling at me. "Ugh!" I say then place my head down on the table. "Omg I can't believe he is here!" Pinky started squealing. "What are the odds of seeing your crush here huh Bakubro." Shitty hair said while nudging me. "Who's that guy he's with? He is kinda cute." Pikachu said while checking out the purple haired guy. "Stop staring! He doesn't look that good." Tape boy said. "Hmm do you think it's a boyfriend ,just a friend,or maybe a relative?" Pikachu questioned ignoring tape boys previous comment. "Hopefully the last two." I mumble while my head is still on the table. "Bro just man up and talk to him." "I can't just fucking do that! It will be embarrassing to walk up to a stranger and say hey you look pretty cute I would love to get to know you and hopefully become your boyfriend because I think I'm falling in love with you." "Awww poor Katsuki has fallen in love and is too scared to confess!" "Shut the fuck up Pinky aren't you supposed to be picking a fucking song to sing!" "Oh yeah that's right!Denki have you chosen a song yet?" "Yup!" "Really it better be a good one." "Trust me you'll love it!" Pikachu grabs Pinky's hand and starts dragging her to the stage. The music started playing for the song they were going to sing but I couldn't care less I was too busy staring at the greenette.

(This is what Denki and Mina are singing btw it's one of Music Fever's songs)

"*sigh* I wonder what his name is." "Why don't you go and ask." Shitty hair said trying to push me out of my seat. "Knock it off! I fucking told you I wasn't going to talk to him!" "Fine but you should stop staring at him before he notices." "Tch whatever." I grumble knowing that he's right. But I can't help it! I glance over at the greenette again. His short curly green hair complements his big emerald like eyes. The freckles dotted around his face are really cute too. "Earth to Bakugou you are staring again." I quickly look away from the greenette and back to my friends to see that Pinky and Pikachu came back from singing. "Alright Bakugou it's your turn and I already picked a song out for you so you better get up there!" Pinky told me while dragging me up from my seat. "Wait what the fuck I'm not singing!" "Yes you are!" Since I'm stronger than her I managed to escape her grasp but then everyone else started to push me towards the stage. "I hate all of you!" I tell them once I'm at the mic. "We love you too!" They all said in unison. 'Ugh now what song did Pinky pick for me.' I thought while waiting for the dj to put on the song. Once I hear the music start I'm relieved that I know the song but I'm upset that I didn't realize sooner that Pinky would pick one of Deku's songs. Luckily it's one of the few upbeat ones because I don't feel like singing something depressing.

While singing I glanced over at the greenette to see him staring at me which made me fumble over some of my words but for the most part I was pretty good. At the end of the song I looked back over at him to see him clapping for me. I decided to walk by his table to get to mine just to hear his voice. "Come on Midoriya just one song!" "I already said no." "Come on man it's my birthday!" That was all I was able to here from their conversation before I had to get back to my table. 'So his name is Midoriya."

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