What Did He Say!?

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Next Day Bakugous POV
I woke up did my normal morning routine and changed into something comfy. I walked downstairs and saw the old man sitting at the couch drinking his coffee and watching the news. Somethings not right. "Oi old man where's the old hag!" He looked up from the tv and began to speak "Oh she's already at the photoshoot she left early to take care of some extra things." He told me. Weird that doesn't seem like her. "Whatever I'm leaving now." I say while putting on my sneakers. "Have a good day!" The old man said while I was walking out the door.

Once I got to the photoshoot I saw people running up and down on set and heard other people yelling orders. I spotted ash blonde hair and made my way towards it. "Oi old hag what the fuck is going on!?"I yell. "Oh Katsuki your here! I can't talk now but head to your dressing room and get ready. There's also a little surprise for you in there!" She basically squealed the last part making me feel very nervous about entering my dressing room. While walking to the room I noticed the round face brunette from a couple days ago. "Hey didn't you get fired?" I asked her. "Oh umm kind of. You see My boss, Deku , was just in a bad mood that day and he took it out on me but he apologized and told me to come back I'm just not getting paid until he thinks I deserve it but I'm fine with that." She explained. Huh that guy is so strange.

As I was about to head into my dressing room I was stopped. "Bakugou." I turn around to see Deku walking up to me. He was still wearing the mouth mask and had his hood up but he didn't have his glasses on which revealed his slightly red and puffy eyes. 'Has he been crying?' "What the fuck do you want." I asked slightly annoyed. He narrowed his eyes at me. "Give this to your friend. The one with pink hair." He handed me a phone then walked away. Everything he said just registered in my head. 'Oh no' I thought.

I opened my dressing room door and saw my friends just hanging around. "What the hell are you extras doing here!" "Your mom invited us." Elbows said. "Why the fuck would she do that!?" "Because we told her you have a crush on the greenette guy we saw yesterday." Pinky explained. "I told you not to fucking tell her!" "Actually you told Sero not to tell her not me." She pointed out. "Tch, whatever. Pinky take this." I tossed the phone at her which she just barely caught. "A phone? How did you know I needed a new phone?" She asked confused. "I didn't that damn Deku gave it to me and told me to give it to you." Her face lit up at the mention of the idol. "My husband cared about me that much that he bought me a new phone!"she squealed. "And you called him a heartless selfish bastard." Pinky yelled at Pikachu. "At the moment that is what he seemed like." Pikachu shrugged. "What happened?" I asked while checking out the suits I have to wear later today. "Oh it was the funniest thing!" Shitty hair than began to explain what had happened.

*Flashback Kirishima POV*
Once Bakugou's mom dropped us off at the photoshoot she told us a couple rules. "1-don't touch anything 2-don't talk to anyone 3-try not to disturb the production. You get the gist. Oh one more thing..."Before Mrs.Bakugou could finish her sentence Mina started screaming and running away from us. "Oh no." We all said. Before we knew it Mina had ran up and tackled the idol Deku who had just walked into the building. "Ahhhh! I can't believe I'm actually meeting you!" Mina squealed while hugging Deku. "Hey-hey can we take a picture together!" Before he could respond Mina pulled out her phone and took a picture. "GUARDS!" In an instant two big security guards came from nowhere and pulled Mina away from Deku. In the process Mina dropped her phone and one of the security guards stepped on it, breaking it. "Mitsuki who is this?" Deku gestured towards Mina who was still being held by the guards and was whining about her broken phone. "I'm so sorry about her she's one of Katsuki's friends. I was just about to take her and the rest of his friends to his dressing room."  "Oh I see." Deku then told the guards to let go of Mina. "Okay I know you just sent your guards to get me away from you but you are going to have to get used to it because once we get married I will be tackling you a lot!" Mina exclaimed. "Your cute to think that a freak like you has a chance with me."  With that he walked away leaving everyone speechless. "Well That was harsh." Sero said. I walk over to Mina who was still frozen with shock. "Hey are you ok?" I ask lightly tapping her shoulder. "He called me...CUTE!" She squealed and started jumping around. "That's what you took out of that jerk insulting you!?" Sero yelled. "Yeah he was acting like a heartless selfish bastard and you are alright with that!?" Denki exclaimed. "Don't call my future husband such names! He just expresses love differently!" She said while punching both of their arms. We all roll are eyes at her and head towards the dressing room.
*End of Flashback*

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