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"I don't want to hurt you, but I will!"
"We settle this with a fight!"

And with that, two women of the same appearance start fighting with each other. One was wearing a black ninja suit, her hair tied into a ponytail with a blue ribbon.

The other was wearing a black jumpsuit with half red sleeves and half red on the bottom leg part. She wore her hair in a ponytail too but secured with a yellow ribbon instead.

They had similar fighting style but the one with the black and red jumpsuit was a little more powerful. She is a clone of the other woman but made more powerful.

"You will never defeat me, copycat," said Kasumi in her sleep and attempted to turn around but ended up hitting the face of a purple haired girl who looks a little like her.

"Kasumi what are you doing?"
"What are you saying you fake version of me?" said Kasumi still in her sleep. "I know what I must do!"

"Oi wake up," her half-sister shouted, shaking Kasumi. "You are not fighting with another clone. Wake up!"

Finally Kasumi woke up. She looked at her sister, clearly confused.
"Huh it was just a dream?" asked Kasumi, sitting up. "Did I hit you, Ayane?"
"Hit me?" shouted Ayane. "Look how hard you have slapped me."
Ayane pointed to a red handprint on her face. All five fingers showed clearly on her right cheek.
"Oh I'm so sorry, Ayane," said Kasumi rubbing Ayane's angry face. "Do you want me to rub ointment on your face?"
"It's fine," said Ayane while rubbing her face. "It will fade by itself."
"Okay then," said Kasumi. "So what shall we do today, Ayane?"
"Well let's ask Master Hayate and Ryu Hayabusa," said Ayane. "Maybe they want to stop M.I.S.T from making more Alphas or maybe they want to do something about that Victor Donovan or something about Project Epsilon or maybe just chill for the day."
"Yeah come on, let's see if he's awake now," said Kasumi. "If he isn't then we scare him awake then."
They went over to the room the boys slept in nighties they barged into their door and saw them still sleeping with their mouths open. Kasumi pounced on Hayabusa while Ayane shook Hayate.
"Wake up sleepyheads!" said both of them in unison. "It's 10.30 already!"
Both Hayate and Hayabusa woke up with a jump when the girls scared them.
"What's up?" asked Hayate, sitting up. "It's Sunday."
"So what are you gonna do today, Master Hayate?" asked Ayane. "So do you wanna go attack M.I.S.T or do something else?"
"Okay first of all, Ayane, stop calling me Master Hayate," said Hayate. "Just call me Hayate. You're my sister too. I think we can just rest for the day or do whatever we want."
"Well, we are running low on groceries," said Kasumi, getting off Hayabusa. "I think we should go shopping after breakfast." Just as she said this the boys groaned.
"Well we can do that with whatever that is left," said Ayane to Kasumi. "Hope there is still some left after dear Hayabusa snuck out for a late night snack last night."
"Hey how do you know I snuck out?" asked Hayabusa surprised. "Did you spy on me or something?"
"Well you blindly groped about in the dark and fell down right in front of our room," Kasumi said, giggling. "We came out to check what the noise was and saw you walking into the kitchen."
"Whoopsy," said Ryu. "Well I only had a small snack so I guess there is more left for breakfast."
"Hey why is your face so red, Ayane?" asked Hayate with concern in his eyes. "Did you hit yourself in your sleep?"
"Our friend here had a dream that she was defeating another Phase 4 clone and hit me in the face in her sleep," said Ayane. "When I asked her what she was doing, she said that she knows what she must do. In her sleep..."
The boys laughed at the embarrassed Kasumi.
"Okay come lets go make breakfast," said Kasumi quickly. "Wonder what's left."
So the girls with the boys at their heels went over to the kitchen. The girls opened the fridge to see what's left and decided to make bacon and eggs.
As Kasumi was frying the bacon and Ayane was frying the eggs, the boys were waiting at the dining table while looking at their phones. When the girls were done making breakfast, they brought the food to the dining table and served.

They talked while munching on their breakfast. They put away their plates in the dishwasher as soon as they were done eating. They watched tv while waiting for each person to take a shower and get ready. As soon as everyone got ready, Hayate started the car as everyone got in and rode off to the nearest mall.

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