Extras: Chapter 4

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I sat around for a while. I managed to download some free computer games on this computer despite the bad WiFi they offered here.
I managed to download some games and stuff on my phone too.
It was a good thing that Victor guy also added some earphones in here because the occupants of the rooms next to mine were kinda noisy, especially the room in front of mine.
I think they are all one big jingbang because it seems that they all gathered in one room and were chatting together.
I managed to download some music too before packing up a bit. I decided to pack up a bit so that it would be easier for me to move out tomorrow.
I heard something again. Aaaand it's my stomach. Again...
I have to get something to eat.
I put that long coat on again and went to leave the hotel room.
As I opened the door, the person in the room in front of mine opened the door too.
I quickly shut the door and the girl started banging on the door.
"Hey open up, you crazy stalker!" She shouted while banging on the door. "Open up, or you'll be sorry!"
"Kasumi!" Another girl shouted. "What are you doing? What is wrong with you?"
"It's him!" The girl said while pounding on the door. "It's that crazy guy! Hey open up, you freak! You owe us an explanation!"
"What do you want from me?" I asked. "Why won't you leave me alone? I just want to live in peace!"
"Oh don't lie to us now," said K'. "You've been following us ever since we were in Dublin!"
"I didn't," I said, still refusing to open the door. "You're the one that chased me!"
"Well yeah," said Maxima. "You stalked us everywhere!"
"What do you want with us?" A familiar voice asked. "You seem to only be interested with us!"
Seirah? Is that Seirah? She's here too?
Memories that were not even mine came to mind. There were not mine, but there were still there and I cherished them. She was still my sister.
"S-Seirah?" I finally managed to say. "Is that you? Is that really you?"
Silence... it must've been shocking, I guess. Well I think I heard a few gasps.
"Who are you?" Seirah finally asked. "How do you know my name?"
"It's me!" I said. "I'm your brother. Or at least, what's extracted from him..."
"You don't mean...?" K' asked in surprise. "Maxima, how come you didn't know?"
"I deleted his data," said Maxima. "Assuming he was dead, I just thought his data wouldn't be of any use to us. I needed to clear some clutter in my databank, so I deleted his data."
"Wait you guys know who he is?" A guy asked. "Who is he?"
I think it's the guy that came to see me the other day with the purple-haired girl. Who is he anyway?
"Open up, you idiot," Kyo shouted. "Or else we're gonna burn the door down and make you pay for the damage!"
Oh well, I guess I have to open it. There's no use running away anyway. They already knew me.
I opened the door and the first thing I saw was a fireball being hurled at me.
My body burst into flames, but that's not new. I'm immune to fire. I managed to only have it burn my coat and not my actual clothes underneath.
The people behind the door stared at me in shock.
"Is that your brother?" The purple-haired girl asked K'. "Yep he definitely is, isn't he?"
I guess that's because we look kinda alike... well...
"Well no, he isn't," said K'. "Kasumi should understand how I feel, and Kyo too."
"Wait so are you saying he's your clone?!" The brown-haired girl asked in shock. "But how come he looks a lot older? Mine's mostly carbon copies of me."
Wait so if she's Kasumi, then the story the other day?
"So that means the two of you were talking your own life story to each other in the restaurant yesterday?" I said. "I should've guessed that when you said that Kasumi was a very beautiful girl..."
"Sorry I couldn't help it," said Kasumi. "The one that helped me defeat the 'really big guy' was none other than our friend here."
"How are you still alive?" Seirah asked. "You were killed like twice already."
Well I was dead," I said. "But then I woke up in a crater, deep in the forest, here in Ireland, where I am originally from. I dunno how I ended up here..."
"Your soul must've landed here when Verse was defeated," said Maxima. "And you somehow landed in your homeland."
"No wonder you can speak Gaeilge," said the brown-haired guy. "So you are a local here."
"Yes I am," I said. "I decided that it was no use working for NESTS and decided to live a normal, peaceful life here, in Ireland. My homeland."
"Well you are my clone after all," said K'. "No wonder you quit the NESTS too."
"When I saw K', Maxima and Zhe in the provision shop, I had no idea what to do," I continued. "So I decided to run off to Longford instead."
"And we went there too!" Nameless said. "We thought you were stalking us!"
"So turns out it was a really big coincidence," I said. "I thought you were after me too!"
"Well we are after someone, but it isn't you," said the long haired guy. "But when Maxima said your blood group was AB negative, we thought it was you!"
Wait what? That isn't my blood type.
"But it isn't AB negative," I said. "It's AB positive!"
"That's the thing," said Maxima. "I had mistaken. When I saw the AB, I immediately assumed it was negative. And thus, the confusion. But we chased you yesterday because we really wanted to know who you are."
"Yes because you only seemed to react to us, KOF contestants," said Iori. "So that's why we sent Kasumi and Hayabusa to see if you were Donovan. Because if you were Donovan, you'd have some reaction towards them."
"But you didn't," said Hayabusa. "That's why we decided to call K' and Iori. We didn't call Maxima because we thought that you might have been intimidated by his size."
"Well are we gonna get food or what?" Kula suddenly asked. "I'm starving!"
"Yeah let's just get dinner," said Diana. "Come on, guys. I'm hungry too."
"Seirah, can I come with you too?" I asked. "I really miss the old memories I had with you. I know those weren't even my memories, but they're still a big part of me."
Seirah sighed and then turned to me with an understanding look on her face. I kinda know that look. I've seen it in my memory.
"Okay, Krizalid," said Seirah. "You may join us."
"Wait, I've gotta get my coat," I said. "It's really cold now, and you've just burnt my coat. Thanks Kyo."
I got myself another coat before going down for dinner. It was a good thing I bought more than one...
I followed them to the dining hall downstairs. It was a little awkward, but they didn't really mind. I joined K', Seirah and Maxima. K' a looked a little awkward.
Well I don't really blame him because I kinda feel awkward too...
I looked over at K' and saw that he was awkwardly poking at his food, not saying anything or looking at anything besides his plate. This is about me isn't it? For some reason I feel like the elephant in the room. Seirah and Maxima seems cool about it, but I can see some tension within K'.
I gulped and held out a shaky hand at him. He looked at me in surprise.
"Friends?" I said, trying to keep my voice steady. "I know, I did lots of stupid things, but... that's all behind me now."
K' stared at my hand, then at my face. He sighed and shook my with his gloved hand. The glove was metallic, but I could still feel the warmth from his hand underneath.
"Friends," he said, accepting my offer. It was rather begrudgingly, but at least he accepted.

Dead Or Alive Fanfiction X The King of FightersHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin