"Now that we are together and we're over 18 ... we are safe."

It wasn't completely true that they were out of danger. There was still room for the other witches to seize her. Before Clarissa could keep talking about it, Robert arrived home with a big smile on his face seeing the family reunited.

"How wonderful to have you here! I think we could have a barbecue tomorrow. What do you say Chase? Join me in the hunt?" by hunt Robert meant going to the grocery store and get everything they needed for a barbecue. Robert wanted to use this time to talk to Chase.

"I think Clarissa needed some time alone with her daughter. I don't know their whole story, they wouldn't share it at least with me, but their relationship is deeper than what they show. Still they have secrets, secrets they wouldn't tell me. But I know... they are magical in the real way. Sometimes Clarissa reminds me of Samantha from that old show, Bewitched. Have you seen it?" Chase hadn't really seen the show he was referring to, however he was indeed surprised of how perceptive Robert was. "I just hope that one day... they trust me enough to tell me what's going on. You also know about it right son?"

Robert wasn't that old. He must be in his early 40s. He had no idea how close to the truth he was. Perhaps they weren't like Samantha but they were witches with witching problems. Robert wanted to be part of their lives. Chase started to wonder what his mother would think about this situation. Had she known that he was a warlock? Then he remembered the Collins, who took him in at 5 and gave him a home before he killed them in that car accident. He felt a ping of guilt about Arthur's death invading his thoughts; maybe they may have been as comprehensive as Robert. However he would never know and there was nothing to do in that matter.

Meanwhile Clarissa took the chance of having the boys away to question her daughter and gather more information about the soulmate connection. "So, Chase and you... soulmates... much to take in. Have you sealed the bond?"

A pink tint crept to Alessa's face. It was embarrassing enough for her mother to ask about her boyfriend. "Yes, we kissed and it felt like pure energy. The world stopped for a second and I could see the fireworks shining around."

"Aaand have you done more than that?"

"MOM! You shouldn't be asking that!" A slightly offended Alessa retorted, her cheeks heating to the thought of Chase and her having sex and more than that, having to confess to her mother that she wasn't virgin anymore.

"Believe me when I say that no mother is ever ready to know if her daughter has had sex with her boyfriend... But in your case, it is of utmost importance to know! It matters a lot, it's all that matters really. When you first kissed, your world and our world changed. With that you told the universe you had agreed with its decision and were ready to do what you're meant to do as Wizards. But the real connection between your souls comes from love, the ultimate declaration of love... when two become one, when Power and Magic come together."

"Mom... it's just that... I just... don't think he loves me back." Alessa was ashamed to admit that indeed, they had sex after the kiss and so she voiced another of her insecurities regarding Chase.

"Ho... how? I mean, look at what he's done." She started to enunciate the good deeds of Chase. "He's been through training with you. Believe me when I say that Rowena wanted you to work as a team. Your magic and his power have to work together and for doing so you have to know how the other works. Plus, he has been with you through your Grandmother's lost and I presume you haven't been apart since you met. He still looks at you as if you were his whole universe. Darling, you have to see it, because as long as you're not completely bonded, they can get you. Not only Stephanie and Angelica, there will be others. This is among the hardest things to ask a daughter, but in your case, this might be what gives you advantage in a fight."

Alessa was still unsure but promised to think about it. The real thought was if she will confide to her mother that indeed, they were together in all ways. She accompanied her mother to make dinner and soon after they put out the food from the oven, Chase and Robert retuned from the store.

Their first diner together went excellent, they exchanged novelties and although Robert didn't understand why they weren't at school, he was glad to hear about the new life they had in Ipswich.

When they finished dinner, Alessa washed the dishes and went to bed. Now the weight of duty fell upon Alessa who could only think of what her mother told her when she saw Chase getting into bed.

"You ok?" Chase asked seeing the familiar frowning on Alessa's features.

"Yes, I... I am. How was your day with Robert?"

"He knows. Well, he suspects something is off about you and your mother. And he is on the right track. Would you believe that he mentioned a show called Bewitched?"

Chase was resting in bed already, he extended his arms waiting for Alessa to come and join him. Alessa felt more than ever that she belonged with him and in no time she was resting next to Chase. He went on telling her about Robert and his suspicions. "Seriously, you should consider telling him, he seems to be a good guy, for Clarissa."

Their second day there was pleasant. If a neighbor looked their way, they would have seen one of those families from commercials. It was a change for them, no worries and just being together. Robert had no idea why Alessa had to live apart, but he knew it was Rowena's decision. Clarissa enjoyed having her family together and demonstrated it mostly in their meals.

Too soon it was time for the youngsters to depart. Alessa understood they needed some time alone to figure out their relationship and she wanted to give her mother enough space to figure out her relationship too. Plus over the days she was at home, she grew certain that at some point, she would have to confront those witches if she wanted to live in peace.

"You know you will always have a home here." Clarissa hugged her daughter trying to repress the tears that menaced to come down.

"I know mom, I Love you!"

Before they left, Chase kissed his mother-in-law on the cheek and told her "Robert suspects you are a witch. Maybe, it would be good to tell him." He separate from Clarissa and he shook Robert's hand before departing.

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