All secrets out

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Three days was all Chase could stand being locked in the Manor. They could make food appear from thin air and change their clothes. Alessa also made them take care of the Manor because she was some cleaning freak, she said cleaning makes think better during troubled times, like this one that meant losing her Grandmother and being attacked at her own place. But now, Chase thought they need entertainment.

"Wanna have a look around?" Chase leaned against the frame of library's door. Alessa had been busy dusting and classifying books. She swore that was a task not meant for magic so she had to do it manually. Chase was sure that he could get the job done in minutes but the outraged face Alessa made when he suggested made him think it twice actually employing power to do it.

"You mean, go out to the town? Yeah sure!" As much as she liked being inside with books, she was curious of the outside. She also was going crazy about being locked at Putnam Manor, but didn't want to mention it to Chase. "Just let me change into something less dusted."

They decided to walk in downtown. On his first time there Chase was so into getting the Power of the Sons of Ipswich that he never took time to admire the place. Alessa's face seemed to shine with every place they visited. It was like any other small town, but it was Alessa's first time in Salem and it feel liberating not to worry about Magic and Heirloom and all of the worries she had recently.

There were three small markets in Ipswich and Chase picked one at random. When they entered the store called Sokos, Kate saw him in the distance and entered the store keeping her distance behind him. She knew he had some differences with Pogue and Caleb specially, both of them hated him. But she wasn't sure the reason why. Sarah never mentioned him but she also had some bad experiences with him. Pogue blamed him for her illness last year which sounded crazy because she didn't remember being near him when she got sick and Chase was presumably dead when she got well. It came to Kate's attention that he was walking just next to a girl who was looking and trying everything with certain excitement. Chase was looking at her with tenderness and just being carefree about everything the girl does. He didn't look menacing at all, but once again, she could be wrong. Before they started to suspect they were followed, Kate decided to test waters and just say hi to them.

As she got near, Kate noticed that Chase looked truly different from the last time she saw him. He was friendly when they met him last year, but now he looked relaxed and happy. Then she saw the girl coming to give him a berry to taste. She was beaming when she put a berry in Chase's mouth to what he responded with a teasing bite. The look of satisfaction on his face was hard to miss. They were laughing together and that encouraged Kate to step forward.

"Well, look what the tides brought. Chase Collins, long time no see!" Kate blurted too fast, nervous about meeting him after a year.

"Oh, hi Kate." Chase was surprised. He didn't expect to find anyone know at the place, or better said, he thought they could pass unnoticed.

"So what brings you back to Ipswich? Caleb did mention you were dead and they looked for you for weeks." The bluntness of the statement surprised not only Chase and Alessa, but Kate herself couldn't believe that the first words she pronounces to them were to mention Chase's apparent death.

If Chase was mad or surprised, he decided to hide it. He didn't want a confrontation in there; all he wanted was Alessa to be distracted from her grieving stage. "Well, it turns out I had some pending business that I can only attend here."

"I see..." Kate then turned to the girl who was assessing their interaction next to him "Kate Tunney" She extended her hand to Alessa. "I went to school with Chase last year, for a short period until he dramatically disappeared."

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